Chapter Three

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Mikey lay motionless inside the transparent box, the effects of the drug slowly wearing off. Exhausted from his time spent on the cold floor, he shifted into a sitting position, leaning against the opposite wall. He was determined to shield his face from the prying eyes of the alien captors. Though his gaze appeared distant and hollow, fear still gripped him whenever one of the aliens ventured close.

Then, a sudden tapping sound broke the eerie silence, causing Mikey to flinch and snap his attention to its source. Next to him in a neighboring transparent enclosure stood an alien with striking human-ish features. The creature possessed pink skin, green lips, and distinctive hot pink horns atop its head. Its square-shaped eyes gleamed a vibrant shade of red. In an attempt to gain Mikey's full attention, the alien tapped once more.

Confusion etched across Mikey's face as he furrowed his brows. Reluctantly, he reciprocated the tapping, mirroring the alien's actions. The alien whose gender was a mystery beamed at Mikey, radiating an unexpected warmth. It emitted a series of incomprehensible sounds, which Mikey simply didn't bother trying to understand.

Just as the alien was about to speak again, their transparent enclosure unexpectedly opened, catching both Mikey and the alien off guard. Mikey's eyes which had lost their spark regained a glimmer of life. He felt a surge of protectiveness towards this particular alien, sensing an inherent gentleness within them.

The alien met Mikey's wide frightened eyes and smiled nodding in his direction before obediently heading into the arms of another alien. They had been selected.

In a daze, Mikey observed the scene unfolding before him. He watched as the alien was escorted away gradually disappearing from view. A sudden rush of regret,  guilt, and fear coursed through him. The reality of his situation hit him with full force—he had been abducted by aliens and was being sold like a pet now after their restless torture. Maybe it was to make him complacent but it only made him angry. However, amidst the turmoil of his thoughts, a single notion pierced through: "Maybe it's better to be sold like a pet than to remain here and endure further pain."

Mikey shook his head gently, attempting to clear his mind of the dark thoughts that plagued him. He knew all too well that things could be much worse than leaving this hellish existence he had grown accustomed to. Countless possibilities swirled through his mind. Each one more horrifying than the last. He could be treated like a mere dog,  or reduced to a life of slavery. Alternatively, he could become a sex slave to some depraved alien who harbored sinister desires for human boys. The mere contemplation of such possibilities sent shivers down Mikey's spine. Paradoxically, he found himself considering the prospect of being experimented on as a lesser evil. Despite the agony it would undoubtedly entail, at least he would awaken each time without a trace of physical harm.

Curling up into a protective ball, Mikey hugged his knees tightly, wrapping his arms around his head. Closing his eyes tightly, he sought solace in shutting out the world around him desperately attempting to block out the overwhelming reality he found himself in.


Riker, Nori, and Oaka had spent hours scouring through the enclosures, exploring the various options available to them. They had covered all the high-end pet areas and exhausted their search, reaching a point of frustration and weariness.

Despite their fatigue, Riker remained resolute in his determination to find something specific. Nori began to question Riker's sanity, wondering how he could possibly think they hadn't seen everything already. Riker's persistent insistence of "just a little longer" and occasional murmurs of "where is it" started to test Nori's patience. He couldn't help but feel exhausted and ready to give up.

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