Chapter Six

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"Mike," a honeyed voice resonated through the quiet vacant home. The words lingered in the stillness.

There was a pause and a moment of hesitation the voice asked again, "Caleb?"

The caller, already aware of who they were addressing but not the exact name, tried again with a touch of impatience in their tone. "Did you clean your room?"

The question devoid of genuine concern seemed out of place as it left the woman's tongue. It was as if she was attempting to mimic the role of a caring mother but it fell flat lacking the emotional depth that should accompany such an interaction.

A thin-faced woman adorned in professional office attire wore a glossy pink smile. The exhaustion etched on her face with dark circles under her eyes betrayed the facade. 

Beneath the surface, there lurked a sense of malevolence like devilish whispers from a hidden demon.

The timid child stood at the doorframe visibly shrinking under the weight of his mother's presence. His shoulders slumped and his gaze remained lowered avoiding direct eye contact.

"Yes," he answered, his voice barely audible carrying a sense of resignation.

"That's good sweetheart. Did you have a good day at school?" Her words seemed perfunctory, her attention focused on the perfectly manicured clicky nails painted in various shades of pink.

"Yes," he replied. His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Was lunch good?" Her hands rubbed together anxiously, a telltale sign of her hidden agenda.


"Since you had such a nice day can you do me a favor? For mommy? I had a very tiring day at work, working hard to earn money for you and everything."

The words dripped with sickly sweet honey masking the poison that lay beneath. This was a familiar conversation, repeated countless times before. Mikey a burdened child understood the manipulative tactics all too well. The only time his mother bothered to engage him in conversation was when she needed something. Their daily exchanges were mere facades coated in beeswaxed pretense of motherly love. Mikey's young mind had become attuned to the patterns, the hollow emptiness of their interactions. He had learned to protect himself, to detach from the hope of genuine maternal affection.

The reason he was treated like such was because he was a product of rape. His mother wasn't in the right mindset to take care of him. He understood from a young age.

Mikey nodded in response, his movements subdued as if carrying an invisible weight on his shoulders. His mother's serpentine smile widened with satisfaction. Oblivious to the emotional toll it took on her child. Or maybe she was aware but didn't care.

"Take this money and give it to Mr. Trevors at the very end of the street. Tell him it's from me and bring back whatever he gives you."

Mikey took the folded orange sticky note his hands trembling ever so slightly. He held it close to his chest. His gaze was distant. With a hesitant nod, he left. His young soul was weathered by the weight of fear. As he prepared to leave his mother patted his head. A fleeting touch that momentarily flickered a spark of vulnerability in Mikey's eyes. A flicker that quickly extinguished as he retreated into his cocoon of self-preservation.


I slowly opened my eyes, still heavy with sleep. There was no novel flutter, no confusion, no startle, just pure clearness in my gaze. As my vision cleared from sleep, I found myself staring at an exotic ceiling. It was unlike anything I had ever seen on Earth—evidence by the fact that I was now on an unknown planet far away from my birthplace, surrounded by unforeseen dangers.

A newfound clarity filled my gaze as if a veil had been lifted from my mind. Despite my disheveled hair resembling a bird's nest my eyes remained fixed on the ceiling absorbing every detail with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

This newfound clarity stood in stark contrast to the instability I had experienced just a short while ago. How long had it been since then? Days? Hours? I couldn't be sure. Time seemed to blur in this alien environment.

Recalling my conversation with Nori before I drifted back to sleep. It felt distant, almost like a dream. The stress from the loud noises of the mysterious "construction device" had momentarily subsided, returning my life to a semblance of normalcy within the confines of this solitary room.

But with clarity, the awakening of my consciousness stirred a restlessness within me. I longed for answers, aching to confront an alien and demand an explanation for the puzzling circumstances I found myself in. I wanted to reclaim my old self, the one who would fight back and even attempt to hurt those who had abducted me. My determination surged, and I yearned to unleash my inner "Karen" and speak to the manager, so to speak.

Gently, my slender fingers bunched up the shirt I wore, my expression transforming into one of serenity despite my exhaustion. Where had this newfound mentality come from? Who had locked me up and reduced me to a fearful and defenseless creature? Much like me from childhood. The answer seemed clear: the aliens. They were responsible for my current predicament, the source of all my stress and misery.

In the midst of my conviction, doubt crept in. I couldn't deny the undercurrent of fear coursing through my veins no matter how much my ego demanded me to be brave. Deep down, I didn't want to experience pain no matter how much I convinced myself otherwise. At the mere thought of danger, my stomach cramped and my limbs trembled. The very idea of getting hurt sent shivers down my spine, my blood pulsating.

Right now, I'm confused. Trying to piece together my memories of the three aliens that kidnapped me? Apparently? Again?

But here's the thing: they haven't done anything to hurt me or scare me. In fact, they've been quite gentle and kind. They always make sure I'm comfortable before doing anything. When I'm asleep food magically appears, along with other goodies. It's as if they know that if I'm awake, I'd feel scared.

The Nori alien in particular has human-like qualities in their personality. Their voice radiates emotion and power. The other two aliens seem similar, although maybe a little less social. Oaka even has eyes like a human though still otherworldly. 

I blink, realizing I've been staring at the door for a while as if I'm waiting for something. I don't want to believe it myself. It seems like I want to hear the voices of the three aliens.

Maybe my mind has already descended into the endless pit of insanity. I need help, someone to save me and bring me back quickly. Or I'll have to do it myself and only god knows how that's worked out before.

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