Chapter Four

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I woke up feeling a remarkable sense of relief. The fatigue that had plagued me earlier was completely gone, replaced by an inexplicable comfort. However, there was an underlying feeling that something important had slipped from my memory. What could it be? What was it that I had forgotten?

As I tried to piece it together, fragments of my recent encounter with aliens flooded my mind. Aliens... more aliens... demons! Suddenly, I jolted upright, breaking free from my daze, and found myself drenched in a cold sweat. I quickly assessed the room I was in noticing its plain appearance, devoid of any distinguishing features. The focal point of the room was a large, round, mocha-colored pillow-like object on which I had been resting. Curiosity got the better of me, and I reached out to touch the fabric, reveling in its softness. With a gentle push, the pillow slowly rose, giving in to the pressure of my hand. It was wonderfully squishy, a sensation I hadn't experienced in what felt like an eternity.

But I needed to snap out of it. Aliens had abducted me, and I found myself in an unfamiliar room. The door lay within sight, presenting a plausible escape route, while the windows offered a second chance at freedom. However, I couldn't shake the overwhelming fear that gripped me, stemming from the fact that I might be on an unknown planet. A place shrouded in mystery.

Coming to a definitive conclusion, I realized I was too terrified to venture out. Instead, I sought solace under the giant mocha pillow, seeking refuge from the dangers that awaited me outside. The pillow seemed to swallow me whole, enveloping my body, providing warmth and the gentle touch of the fabric against my skin. I noticed that I was wearing clothes, the texture of which felt like a soft T-shirt and comfortable basketball shorts and boxers.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard the handle turn, causing me to instinctively cover my mouth and nose to muffle my breathing. In the absence of visual confirmation, the situation felt eerily reminiscent of a horror film—a genre I despised. Strangely, though, I no longer felt like an empty vessel; instead, I felt as though a newfound strength had inhabited my being. At least I had regained my humanity; the effects of whatever drugs they had administered to me could have been a cause of my depressive episodes.

My heart pounded in my ears muffling the sounds, as I heard the faint footsteps drawing closer. Suddenly, they came to an abrupt halt, followed by hurried footsteps running in the opposite direction. I released a small breath, feeling the tension in my muscles gradually subside. However, my solitude was short-lived, as the room was soon filled with the heavy thud of multiple footsteps approaching the door.

"He's gone!" A desperate, tear-filled voice sobbed from the other side. "It's my fault!"



"..." Did I just hear someone speaking English? I was so shocked I froze. I had to remain calm and composed, like an immovable rock. I held my breath, waiting for them to leave, pretending that this was all just a game, similar to the silent game I used to play with my mother. If I could be as quiet as possible, I would win.

"Nori, be quiet, he's still here," someone hushed, and the room fell into silence once again, with Nori's sobs subsiding. My anxiety levels soared, and I could feel my nerves on the verge of unraveling. I covered my ears, squeezing my eyes shut tightly, and curled up into a protective ball, employing a technique I called the hamster technique—a method I used to block out traumatic situations. And this certainly qualified as one.

"Are you hungry? We have some food for you," a deep voice, familiar with the ashy-colored alien from before, spoke softly in English. Oh, dear God. This was it. I was going to be treated like a pet, like a dog! My mind raced with despair, tears welling up internally, even though I had completely misinterpreted the situation.

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