Chapter One

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"Mikey, the order for table three is done!"

I heard a coworker yell out from the back as I reluctantly stood up from my short break. The smell of greasy pizza wafted to my face as I picked up the tray. The pizza was practically swimming in grease. I wouldn't be surprised if you could drink it with a straw.

I gritted my teeth in disgust as I forced a smile at the group of rowdy customers at table three. "Here you go, sirs. If you need anything else just let me know," I said tapping my name tag before walking away from the table.

The only reason I still worked at this pizzeria was because it was close to my apartment. I had been thinking about quitting and switching to the Fish N Chips place down Main Street. I heard they were hiring, and it couldn't be worse than this pizzeria I, unfortunately, found myself working at.

I hummed to myself as I watched the clock ticking towards 12:30. Almost time for my shift to end and the place to close. I couldn't wait to crawl into bed and warm my cold toes.

"Good luck," my coworker patted my shoulder roughly as he locked up the pizzaria. "You too," I waved, zipping up my coat to shield myself from the frosty air. I didn't even remember my coworker's name, but I secretly called him Monkey because he did an awesome monkey impression one time.

As I walked along the paved sidewalk I could hear the ruckus and laughter of druggies in the alleys. Living in this neighborhood I was surprised I hadn't been stabbed yet.

My breath turned visible in the chilly air, and my nose started to run. The long walk home still had a long way to go yet I was already exhausted.

I let out a sigh as I watched the streetlights flicker before going out completely. It gave me an eerie feeling and I quickened my pace not liking the darkness that engulfed the surroundings. I tucked my chin into my coat breathing in and out to warm my frozen face. So far, the streetlights hadn't turned on. I couldn't help but feel on edge, but that was the reality of living here.

Just as I passed another alley my brown locks were suddenly yanked back with great force. I cried out in pain and fright struggling to free myself from the grip. An abrupt bright light flashed in my face blinding me momentarily. My consciousness faded and I blacked out.


Ugh, I groaned internally as my head throbbed against my skull. What the hell happened? My mind felt foggy as I tried to gather my bearings. Perhaps it was a concussion? The first thing I noticed was the dominant presence of two colors: light blue and green. Confusion washed over me as I struggled to sit up, but to no avail.

My hands, legs, and neck were tightly bound restricting my movement. I could barely look down at myself, but I knew I was naked. With a pounding heart and a muffled head, confusion was the only emotion I could grasp.

"H-h..." I attempted to speak, but my throat felt raw and unpleasant, making it difficult to form words. I struggled against the restraints. Soon giving up, my veins coursed with adrenaline-fueled by fear and helplessness. I despised this situation.

I was trapped on a hard, white surface that resembled a table. The surrounding environment featured the same two colors that were supposedly meant to be calming hues, although they provided no solace to me at that moment.

With the onslaught of tears, I felt a lump forming in my throat, weakening me further. What's happening? Who kidnapped me? I shouted internally, hoping that by projecting strength in my thoughts, it would somehow manifest on the outside.

Suddenly, I heard a sound and reluctantly opened my eyes to a chilling sight. My gaze locked with the creature before me, its rose-colored eyes piercing through me without so much as a blink. Panic gripped every fiber of my being, and I began to breathe unsteadily fast. On the verge of hyperventilation. It had been years since I last experienced a panic attack, not since my mother...

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