Chapter Seven

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The outside world finally faded, its brightness diminished as darkness loomed. I rose unsteadily, my body stiff from prolonged inactivity. My legs protested the sudden demand. I paced around the room, attempting to awaken my weakened limbs. Although the newly created bathroom resembled those I had known back on Earth, I couldn't help but harbor resentment toward the aliens who had abducted me. The anger simmered within me refusing to forgive their actions.

Today, or perhaps in a matter of hours, I planned to escape. I had no concrete plan but the thought of forever cowering and evading my responsibilities was not an option. I was not one to back down easily; usually, I spoke my mind without a filter. Taking a deep breath, I muttered affirmations under my breath encouraging myself to take action. I regarded my escape as a warrior's death, dismissing the possibility of what awaited me beyond my captors' clutches. Because I had no idea how to get off a fucking planet.

Running my fingers through my disheveled hair, I gathered it into a haphazard bundle atop my head while continuing to steady my nerves with deep breaths. With each inhalation, I contemplated the prospect of binge-watching Marvel movies upon leaving this monotonous planet. I envisioned the incredible tales I would share with my future children and grandchildren.

As my foot hovered above the carpet, hesitation gripped me. Once I stepped forward, there would be no turning back. Although death loomed as a possibility, I resolved that I would rather die than remain in this predicament. I mustered my courage, my determination overshadowing any lingering doubts.

"Fuck the aliens!" I exclaimed inwardly, clenching my fists in defiance. "They may look like they can kill me, but they're as weak as babies!"

With my chest puffed out I propelled myself to the right striding confidently down the extensive hallway. My fists remained clenched, my jaw set in a resolute expression of anger. I walked with purpose and I slowed my pace upon sensing faint footsteps trailing behind me. Listening intently, I confirmed my suspicions—the sound was real. Undeterred, I quickened my pace, breaking into a sprint as the adrenaline kicked in. The hallway stretched on endlessly, but fortune seemed to favor me when I rounded the first corner, allowing me a moment to catch my breath. Peeking down the corridor, my heart sank as I noticed a group of aliens approaching from the opposite direction.

"Damn it!" I berated myself internally, realizing I had forgotten to close the door. Frustration washed over me, and I vehemently slapped my palm against my forehead.

Remembering the lessons I had learned from countless spy movies, I pressed the metaphorical "fuck it" button and ran without a second thought. I sprinted through the labyrinthine building, constructed from an unfamiliar otherworldly stone.

Unexpectedly I collided headfirst with an alien, their spindly legs entangling and causing both of us to crash to the ground. Momentarily dazed, I quickly assessed my situation. Three aliens lay beneath me, and a surge of revulsion coursed through me as I noticed their unattractive appearance. Gathering my resolve, I bit my tongue and delivered a swift punch to the alien's groin, eliciting a painful screech. I repeated the action with the bewildered second alien, who seemed utterly perplexed by the sudden turn of events. Seconds later I fled the scene leaving the incapacitated aliens behind. The shock of my unexpected assault appeared to have rendered them unable or unwilling to give chase.

Despite my triumph over the aliens exhaustion soon caught up with me. I had been relentlessly fighting and navigating the unfamiliar hallways encountering a total of five aliens thus far. Desperate to find an exit, I tirelessly searched every room I came across, only to be met with emptiness or mundane office spaces. I sought rest in one of the empty rooms, collapsing onto the floor to catch my breath. The sounds of the aliens, who resembled medieval divas with their peculiar attire grew more pronounced as they scurried past the room, inexplicably neglecting to investigate my room. I couldn't help but wonder if their incompetence or oversight played a role.

As I sat there gradually regaining my composure my self-assurance grew. Having successfully taken down a few aliens through sheer surprise I started to believe that escape was indeed within my reach. As long as they had junk I could smash it.

 The shadows of doubt that had previously clouded my mind began to dissipate. However, my fatigue took hold and in my exhausted state, I unintentionally succumbed to a brief nap. It had become all too common for me to doze off given my sleep schedule since my abduction.

I awakened to find myself no longer alone. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I stretched my limbs, gradually registering the change in atmosphere. My expression shifted from confusion to panic as I realized my situation. Fight-or-flight instincts kicked in, and without a second thought, I chose the latter. I recognized these aliens; they were the very ones who had kidnapped me once again—Nori, Oaka, and Riker. Engrossed in their conversation, they remained oblivious to my awakening. I knew I had to act swiftly; I had to escape fast.

Cautiously I inched toward the partially open door my eyes never leaving the aliens as I prepared to make my move. And then in a burst of adrenaline, I bolted. I sprinted as if my life depended on it, refusing to let them catch me this time. I was acutely aware of their superior capabilities compared to the spider-like aliens I had previously encountered and defeated with a single punch to the groin. These aliens were different.

"Mikey!" a voice called out, causing me to momentarily falter. It was disorienting to hear someone address me by name after all this time. How did these aliens even know my name? Unless they did a background check or any case it gave me chills.

"Stop!" another voice much closer this time urged. I felt my arm yanked back, forcefully halting my escape. I became frustrated. After all, they had left the door unlocked—what did they expect?

"Let me fucking go!" my anger reverberated in my voice as I vehemently tried to free myself from the alien's unyielding grip. I struggled and writhed, attempting to break free, but my attempts were futile as the alien effortlessly dodged my desperate maneuvers. All I saw was red, uncontrollable rage.

"It's ok, no one is going to hurt you," Riker interjected, attempting to subdue the situation by clasping my fists with his free hand. "Just take deep breaths, you're ok."

"Fuck off!" I retorted my voice dripping with disdain in complete panic.


Riker, Oaka, and Nori, taken aback by Mikey's sudden outburst stood in disbelief. They conducted extensive research on humans, learning about complex psychology and the myriad factors that influenced human behavior. However, they hadn't anticipated such a drastic change in attitude. Where had the friendly cooperative human they had initially encountered gone? The stark difference between their expectations and his current state left them momentarily bewildered.

At the same time, they knew all creatures had a breaking point. They didn't know how long Mikey had been on the edge of his.

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