Chapter Five

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I stayed hidden under the pillow for what felt like an eternity, drifting in and out of sleep. Every time I dared to peek my head out, the daylight streaming through the window never changed. Maybe in this world, there was no darkness Restlessness gnawed at me as I yearned for a change of scenery from this small room.

But then, something caught my eye. As I popped my head out once again, I noticed that the room had changed. Colorful objects now dotted the space a few feet away, beckoning me with their vibrant allure. They seemed to be blocks and stuffed animals, toys. I couldn't help but find the situation both strange and a little amusing.

Curiosity got the better of me and I scooted forward. I observed the objects from a safe distance tapping them cautiously to ensure they were just lifeless playthings and not alien creatures in disguise. Thankfully they remained motionless and I picked up a fluffy ring adorned with feathers. Its softness fascinated me and I slipped it on like a bracelet. As my interest waned, I set it aside and turned my attention to the assortment of blocks.

The blocks with their vivid colors and peculiar shapes intrigued me. I began stacking them one by one creating a tower that grew taller and taller. When it reached its peak, I crowned my architectural masterpiece with the feathered ring, deeming it a kingly symbol. With an impish grin, I playfully punched the top of the tower causing the blocks to scatter chaotically across the floor. The feathered bracelet too lost its perch and fluttered down to the ground. I watched, surprised by the havoc I had impulsively unleashed.

Abruptly I became alert and glanced anxiously toward the door, straining my ears for any sign of approaching footsteps or sounds. The silence remained unbroken with that in mind I turned my gaze to the window, an idea forming in my mischievous sanity. Slowly and stealthily, I crept forward taking elongated steps and controlling my breathing, as if I were a secret agent on a daring mission.

I glanced out towards the vast expanse of the alien sky, which bore a resemblance to Earth but with a distinct purple tinge. Looking downward, my stomach churned at the sight of the seemingly endless abyss below. It was a terrifying drop and I knew there was no way I would survive such a fall. The grass that covered the ground had a fluffy appearance. There were patches of tall black grass that stood out in stark contrast. In some areas, the landscape took on a navy color painting most of the scenery. Unlike Earth, there were no familiar trees, but instead, I spotted floating islands as I peered further into the sky. Above me, the clouds were arranged in intricate formations, perplexingly resembling squares and triangles, tightly packed together. I struggled to find the right words to describe them, uncertain if they were even clouds at all. The buildings nearby appeared to be crafted from smooth black ore, their otherworldly appearance adding to the overall sense of strangeness.

Suddenly, movement caught my attention and my gaze shifted to the sky. My heart raced, and I instinctively crouched down ready to sprint back to the safety of the pillow. A flock of what appeared to be flying alien creatures soared through the air, startling me. Overwhelmed by the unfamiliarity of this new world, my mind reeled with confusion. When I felt like I lost my humanity and succumbed to the torture I was subjected to every day I would have never thought anything could surprise him in such a way as being kidnapped by aliens but I was completely wrong. The realization that I now found myself on an entirely different planet was beyond anything I could have fathomed. The thought of an alien atmosphere enveloping me and yet somehow still being alive left me questioning whether this room was specifically designed to be habitable for humans.

My gaze shifted from the scattered blocks on the floor to the protective haven of the pillow. Doubts crept into my mind as I contemplated the intentions behind these peculiar alien abductors. Could they be conducting some sort of bizarre study on humans? They didn't seem interested in my organs like the previous aliens so perhaps they were more focused on my mind. Or could it be possible that they saw me as a pet? After all, they had provided me with toys a giant pillow human food, and a room. The unsettling thought of being reduced to the status of a mere pet, like a dog, made me cringe and sink deeper into the comforting embrace of the pillow.

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