Chapter Eight

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I was standing in Riker's grip trembling uncontrollably as a panic attack overwhelmed me. The fear had consumed my mind to the point where understanding anything Riker was trying to say seemed impossible. The terror of the unknown flooded my thoughts, imagining these alien beings capable of devouring, harming, or even ending my life.

Despite my panicked state, Rikers' voice managed to break through the chaos, his words somehow transmitting to my scattered mind. It was as if he was silently guiding me offering reassurance in the midst of my terror. Slowly I followed his lead my unsteady steps bringing me to a room concealed behind an opening wall. The sight that greeted me was both bewildering and intriguing—an elevator-like room, with its doors beckoning me inside.

As I stepped into the peculiar room a wave of unusual care enveloped me. It was as if the room itself understood my distress offering a chair for me to sit in. Slowly, the panic began to subside, gradually giving way to a sense of chaotic calm.

The panic attack was only brief and I quickly returned to my normal self ignoring the strange comfort that had come over me with these aliens in that time of not being able to control myself.

"Are you hungry?" the alien, Nori asked. Breaking the tense silence that enveloped the room.

I remained silent asserting my right. I found myself seated on a chair in what appeared to be a spacious living room. Elevators hidden in the damn walls had been the unexpected means of my capture, a revelation that I found both slightly embarrassing having had missed.

Unfazed by my predicament, I felt no shame for my failed escape attempt. As I had stealthily avoided the alien captors for a good while. My stomach decided to betray me with a soft rumble, too subtle for human ears but not unnoticed by the attentive aliens in the room. "Do you want pizza?" Nori chimed in, his tone brimming with enthusiasm.

However, the mere thought of pizza made me feel nauseous.

"Again!?" I exclaimed suddenly, my voice reverberating through the room and capturing the attention of all alien eyes which fixed upon me.

"Do you not like it?" Oaka questioned his brows furrowing as he met my gaze.

"Humans don't eat the same thing repeatedly!" I emphasized, my frustration mounting as I realized that these aliens were somewhat clueless about human habits. Obviously, since they aren't human themselves.

"You don't!?" Riker who had remained mostly quiet until now after calming me down enough to drag me to this room. Had finally spoken up prompting everyone to turn their gaze toward him. "Uh, we're still learning about your kind," Oaka admitted scratching his neck in a flustered manner. "Oh no, did we poison him? Is he going to die!?" Nori's breathing became erratic as he looked wide-eyed at Oaka and Riker their faces reflecting growing panic. I noticed what appeared to be wings behind Nori's back when he turned gripping his hair in panic.

Caught off guard by their reaction, I furrowed my brows and stared back at them in astonishment.

The room fell into an anxious silence until Riker and Nori hastened to retrieve devices, scrambling for information. I couldn't help but think, You've got to be kidding me.

"Are you guys going to kill me?" I asked with measured composure after a few seconds, testing the boundaries of my captors and gauging their true intentions.

"What!? Why would we do that?" Nori jumped up, his voice escalating with surprise.

"Are you going to eat me?"

"Huh!?" Oaka responded with a deadpan expression.

"Experiment on me?"

"That's not our intention," Riker interjected his voice calm yet reassuring. Because they all appeared serious it lowered my worries.

I found myself at a loss for words. Fear coursed through my veins as I surveyed the alien beings before me. Their appearance and demeanor exuded an aura of danger and otherworldliness that no human should ever have to encounter. The power they emanated and the trepidation they instilled were palpable, leaving me uncertain and apprehensive.

I couldn't shake off the unease that lingered within me. Feeling far from safe in the presence of these enigmatic beings. However, as I finally managed to articulate the right questions there was a momentary lax in vigilance. Leaving me momentarily stunned as I stared at the three aliens in utter disbelief. Confusion clouded my thoughts, and I found myself questioning their true intentions. Their frantic typing on the foreign devices suggested they feared my imminent demise like they were losing someone dear to them.

Suppressing my urge to ask for further answers, I bit my tongue, tussling with my complicated emotions and unsure of where to begin. "Then what are your intentions with me? Am I some sort of pet?" I finally managed to voice, my tone laced with anger. Saying the words left a bitter taste in my mouth.

The three aliens paused, their gazes shifting up to meet my eyes. "Not exactly—" Oaka began, only to be interrupted by my growing frustration.

"Not exactly?" My anger flared.

"It's hard to explain at the moment," Oaka trailed off, his companions nodding in agreement.

I struggled to comprehend what was so difficult to explain. Arms crossed in a moody gesture, I remained silent visibly seething. "I won't die from eating pizza, or apples, or milk," I muttered, my agitation noticeable. To my shock, I noticed their tense bodies relax in relief upon hearing my words.

"How about I show you some of our food that is digestible for humans!" Nori chimed in eagerly, attempting to redirect the conversation.

Ignoring Nori's suggestion, I dismissed it completely. Since they weren't currently harming me I deemed it more important to seek answers early on. "Why don't you take me home?" I questioned dismissive and challenging.

"...If you truly wish to go home we can arrange that," Riker responded causing a stir of disbelief among his companions.

"What are you saying, Riker!?" Oaka exclaimed while Nori stood there blankly, awaiting an explanation.

My heart shimmered with a glimmer of hope, unable to discern if Riker was being truthful or not. Nevertheless, the mere suggestion brought me a swell of happiness. But as I contemplated the prospect of returning to my mundane life—devoid of family or friends, toiling away in menial jobs, and residing in precarious living conditions—I felt an unwillingness creep upon me deep down. Who would I share this extraordinary experience with? Revealing my alien abduction to others would surely brand me as insane leaving me burdened with trauma that couldn't be explained. I despised that feeling but at least on Earth, I would be among humans, not aliens.

"On one condition," Riker's voice broke through my thoughts, causing my heart to sink at the implication.

"What's the condition?" I narrowed my eyes gripping the edges of my chair.

"Stay here for two weeks, and then we'll bring you home."

Two weeks? I couldn't comprehend the significance and was on the verge of agreeing when a light bulb suddenly illuminated my mind.

"How long are the days here compared to Earth!?"

"A day here is three days on Earth."



All eight chapters have been edited with some changes. Updates are sure to come now that I feel reassured that the writing is good enough to continue.

 I'm not sure if I should make this story mpreg or not so please tell me your opinion. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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