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It's not often you're asked to guard the door when your friends decide they want to bang at a party.

It's even less common to agree, and end up sitting crossed legged infront of the door, a can of cheap beer at your side. Their obvious moaning the only thing you can hear other than the party music and chatter.

Well, lee felix has found himself in that oddly specific situation.

He was sipping on the beer, occasionally having to tell people lies as they wanted to enter he bedroom.

Like right now, when a woman and her boyfriend were infront of him. Obviously very annoyed.

"Sorry there's a couple breaking up in there" Felix dead panned, moving a little shakily to stand. He definitely drank too much to be acting as a body guard right now.

The couple obviously weren't buying it, the particularly muscled man trying to barge past him. Felix wouldn't budge, he was not about to let some couple barge into his friends.

"Well just let us through, they can leave"

"No can do ma'am, I think it's quite important you don't go in" Felix nodded firmly holding the door handle shut

"You better let us in-"

"No you are not threatening me, go fuck in your car if youre that desperate. Or better yet, a bush" Felix smiled sweetly


"Excuse me, is something wrong?" Felix heard a voice behind the couple

Everyone's head turned, Felix's eyes felt like they sparkled at the man before him.

He was muscular, dark brown hair. Felix wanted him to rail- NO let's not think about that

"Nothings wrong big shot" the man spat, like actually spat in the others face.

"Well, by your vocal tone I very much think something is wrong" the hot man wiped his face in disgust " so leave the half drunk kid alone and go fuck somewhere else"

Felix wanted to protest at being called a kid but didn't have time.

It seemed the couple where just as bad as each other, neither wanting to leave the room.

Felix was praying minho and Jisung would finish soon.

"And why should we listen to you dick head" the girl snarked, getting in hit guys face.

It seemed that the hot guy was trying to restrain himself. Obviously if he even tried to lay a hand on the woman he'd get a bunch straight into his nose.

"Please will you take a step back" hot guy said calmly

"Not until you tell that bitch to move"

"I don't understand why you need that room so badly, please stop causing trouble and move on"

"Whatever" she hit her heeled foot onto the floor and dragged her boyfriend away

Felix let out a sigh of relief, he did not want to deal with that "thankyou"

"No problem, I'm chan" hot guy/ Chan held his hand out which Felix shook

"Felix" Felix smiled, picking his can up and taking a long sip "soz my friends are fucking, I'm protecting the room"

"I can hear it" Chan snickered.

"Yeah they're pretty loud" Felix say down, Chan following his movement

They leant against the door together and began chatting.

A while had passed, and Felix was honestly surprised they were still going. Jisung was actually being truth ful when he said minho was a beast in bed.

This had talked about many things in the time and Felix began to feel as though he'd known Chan has whole life.

Until one moment when they just stared at each other and all Felix's dirty horny thoughts came to smack him in the face.

Chan seemed to be just as much into it his eyes drooping slightly.

So felix went for it, he leaned in and latched his lips onto Chan's.

Yeah he's had a couple one night stands before so it felt as though there was nothing wrong.

Apart from the fact he actually let his mind wonder, in the time they chatted, to if they could room together when Felix gets out of the college dorms. But that's going wayyy to fast, what if he chews with his mouth open?

Chan grabbed his hips even though they were sitting and moved himself around so he was facing Felix. He pushed him into the door, causing it to knock loudly, so he could kiss deaper.

"Chan, they'll hear" Felix said between kisses, struggling to breath

Chan opened his eyes, reluctantly pulling away to listen.

"They're going at it pretty hard" Chan smiled "looks like they wont hear a thing...and they'll take a while"

Not letting Felix respond Chan kissed him again, Felix giving in and wrapping his arms around his neck.

"We can stay like this until they come out" Chan grinned "then we can go back to mine, or yours. Whichever you're comfortable with"

Felix nodded, feeling himself get lost in Chan again.

Ok so maybe, being your friends body guard while they fuck at a party does have some pros

Happy New year!
I decided to add this on, and fun fact it's my birthday tomorrow. Add it to your calender haha
I'll be one year older and that's all I'm disclosing lol

But alas, this has officially come to an end, I hope it was good

I'm gonna resume normal updates on my other books now so make sure to go to my page and have a look. Follow too if you haven't haha

That's all from me, for now


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