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So I basically fell in love with that wolf and fae story so here's another chap on it lol

Felix was back at the river again. like expected, his and Chan's meetings had become sparser and sparser as he became alpha.

It as weird, not being by his side as much as possible.

Also the fact that Chan couldn't send him letters either

"Felix you know he won't come" Jisung looked up from Felix's lap. To anyone else, Jisung would just sound like he was squeaking.

"But ji, what if he does come" Felix whined, scratching behind jisungs little ear.

"You say this every time, he never does" there was a glint of sadness in the squirrels eyes, he knew how dissapointed Felix looked after walking home unsuccessful.

"I know" Felix sighed, moving on to brush his tail "I don't just come here for him you know"

Felix also just really liked the place, yes it was sentimental. However it was also quite charming, and Felix also liked the privacy.

"I guess" Jisung mumbled then his little eyes seemed to widen


Felix jumped, uh oh

Whoever that was looked a lot like a vampire.

Jisung instantly shifted, his small body changing into a human structure. Apart from his bushy tail and ears were still left.

"Why the fuck are you here" Jisung hissed standing protectivly infront of the fragile fae.

The vampire stopped for a moment before speaking

"I smelt..."

"Shit he's hungry" Jisung whispered to Felix, uh oh

Jisung turned back speaking again "you're right by the werewolves, they'll murder you as soon as they smell you"

Felix held his breath, he honestly hoped the werewolves would smell him. A squirrel shapshifter and faerie were absolutely no match for a vampire. They were as good as dead.

"They won't get me" he rolled his eyes

Jisung was short for options. If they ran they'd be caught in a second.

"Jisung" Felix whispered, holding his sleeve gently.

Jisung didn't turn, but Felix knew he was listening by the tilt of his ears

"I'll fly us out, you'll need to transform as I do"

Jisung nodded

"I'm just hungry is all" the vampire spoke "And you two are convenient"

Felix slowly stood up moving to wrap his arms around Jisung "on my count"

"Aww look at you protecting him" the vampire smirked, Felix ignored him

"3...2...1!" Felix jumped

His wings sprung into action instantly, fluttering up as high as possible. He knew fully well vampires could jump.

Jisung had long shifted into his animal form, only giving Felix a small extra weight.

Felix thought they'd make it

The vampire jumped up, sharp claws latching onto Felix's leg.

Felix let out a cry of pain trying to fly up further.

He wiggled his foot kicking violently. It was only when Jisung scurried down, bit the vampire in the eye harshly that he let go.

Felix watched as he tumbled to the ground. However he was soon to see the same fate.

The pain in his leg was awful. As the vampire fell he'd dragged his hands down creating angry red lines.

Oh and did Felix hate the sight of blood.

He was getting dizzy, fuzzy patches in his sight forming.

"Felix!" Jisung called in alarm as his flight began to falter until they were falling.



Chan shot up instantly from his seat in the main hall.

What on earth was that feeling.

"Chan?" His younger brother called "what's wrong"

"I-i felt something" Chan wasn't sure what it was, distress of some kind.

Then suddenly all these emotions were hitting him.

fear, determination, relief,

Chan ran faster out of the hall than he ever had before.


Felix woke up slowly, everything was aching.


Who was that? Was that Chan's voice?

Felix hadn't heard him in person for so long

Felix groaned, trying his best to open his eyes. When he did, he was still on the forest floor.

Jisung was sat to his left, little paws rubbing together in stress. When he looked up he was met by Chan's yellow eyes.

"Hello" Felix croaked

"Holy shit, lix" Chan rubbed his temples "You scared the shit out of me"

"This is what it took to get you to come to me?" Felix joked, however tears formed in his eyes from the aches in his bones.

"Imnso sorry, I was just so busy. I know it's no excuse" Chan sighed "we need to get you to your parents, I kept you here because I thought your parents would blame me"

"That's understandable" Felix nodded

"You know channie came so fast" Jisung crawled closer rubbing his nose against Felix's "I thought he was gonna eat me"

"I was, until I found out it was some rotten blood sucker"

"Oh yeah" Felix nodded thinking back to his leg. Looking down it had been wrapped in thick leaves.

"The thing is" Chan's smile was sly and triumphant "I might have a way to unite the fae and wolves"


When Chan brought Felix back his parents were furious. They of course  assumed Chan did it until Felix explained over and over.

Then another six months was Chan setting to work on changing the common enemy to vampires.


"Channie!" Felix came flying into him as he came back to their little mushroom house by the river. (Felix had grown it)

"Hey beautiful, how's my squirrel son"

"I'm fine!" Jisung popped his head out the door, a bunch of acorns stuffed into his cheeks.

"He's fine" Felix giggled, he had half a mind to scold Jisung for dropping acorns all over the floor.

"Very much fine" Chan chuckled, walkng in after Felix 

Something felt so right about this place.

It was their little safe haven, except there was no need for it to be a mystery anymore.

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