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Felix woke up feeling disgusting. He was pretty sure he'd had a nightmare last night, not that he could remember it though.

"Chan...channie?" Felix felt around the bed, not finding Chan like where he usually was.

Wait, his new job started today didn't it.

Sometimes Felix felt so useless compared to Chan. He was only a coffee shop barista, Working off just above minimum wage.

Chan was a powerful manager for a big company. He paid for almost everything which just added to Felix's guilt.

"Ok I'm going to clean the apartment before I go to work" Felix smiled in determination. He wanted to be more useful.


Once the apartment was completly clean Felix decided to pre cook dinner. He was on the late shift at the coffee shop, meaning Chan would he back before him.

Chan would also probably be tired, then Felix knew he wouldnt get a proper meal. Felix did not want Chan to get sick, he'd feel awful if that happened.

Maybe he should stop worrying...


Chan came home at around six. He expected the house to be quiet as Felix told him he'd be at work late.

Kicking off his shoes in the hallway he let out a relieved sigh. Having a well paid job is good and all but it takes a lot out of you.

He passed his way into the kitchen. Ignoring his stomach until now. Chan wasn't a great cook he usually left that to Felix. So he was a tad worried about what he was going to eat.

Fortunatly the problem was solved when he found a bowl in the fridge. He pulled it out inspecting the stick note on the side.

I made you dinner
Because I know how you don't eat if you can't find ramen in the fridge

~Felix ʕ•͡-•ʔฅ

Chan smiled at the little bear Felix drew by the side of his name.

"Cute" his boyfriend was very cute.

Chan's mouth watered when he looked in the bowel. Yes it was simple spaghetti, but he was so starving. Anyway, anything Felix cooks is great.

As he was stuffing his mouth with the meal he heard the door click.

Felix was home.

"Lix? Baby?" Usually Felix calls out when he comes home

"Mmh" Felix made a noise as he walked through the kitchen

"Hard day?"

"Mmh" Felix mumbled gracing water and flopping into Chan's lap

"Aww my cutie barista is tired"

"Lixie tired" Felix mumbled into Chan's kneck, his glass of water completly forgotten.

"Have you eaten?"

"I did" Felix nodded rubbing his nose against Chan's head.

"You're so much like a cat it can't be right" Chan chuckled as Felix started to kiss his kneck and ear.

"Channie have a good day at work?" Felix peaked out of his kneck to look at his eyes

"Yes tiring but i enjoy it" Chan huffed before smiling brightly

"That's good yours is probably more tiring than mine" Felix chuckled

"Not true" Chan gave him a pointed look "don't even start to feel guilty kitten"


"You always do so much for me, just because you don't earn as more money doesn't mean you're less hard working"

"Noooo" Felix whined playing with Chan's hair

"Yesss" Chan chuckled stealing a kiss from Felix's lips. "Come on let's go to bed"

Chan stood up grabbing Felix's thighs and holding him up

"Wait chan" Felix tried to pull away "MY PERFECTLY CLEAN KITCHEN THE DISH"

"It's fine" Chan chuckled



"Felix you can't be mad at me" Chan prodded Felix's side as he faced away.


"If you cared that much about the dish you can go now" Chan smirked moving Felix so he could hover over him.

"But now I don't wanna get up" Felix pouted looking anywhere but Chan's eyes.

"Aww poor baby" Chan kissed his nose before grabbing him again

"What are you doing" Felix groaned as Chan pulled him into his back onto the bed

"I'm counting your freckles" Chan grabbed one of Felix's hands and used his free hand to lightly touch Felix's face.




"You made me loose count, I'll have to count again"


Before they knew it Felix had drifted off to sleep in Chan's arms.

Chans eyes fell apon the window. He cursed himself for forgetting to close the curtains.

Wait is that?


It was strange, you could barely ever see stars usually.

They reminded him of something...

"Nah I'm just imagining things"

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