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"'M so hungry" Felix whined rolling around in the bed.

"Fucking get a blood bag then" Chan hissed not even looking up from his work

"That won't satisfy me" Felix groaned as he sat up. The thin sheets he'd rolled himself up in began to fall off his shoulders, exposing his thin collar bones.

"At lot of things don't satisfy you" Chan grumbled

"What's got your dick in a twist" Felix smirked running a hand through his unruly hair.

"You know damn well you little shit" Chan turned round baring his fangs in a confronting manor.

"Whatever do you mean" Felix giggled moving to stand. However, due to the speed of a vampire he was quickly slammed back onto the bed by Chan

"Oh are you gonna fuck me again?" Felix giggled his eyes shifting to an alluring red

"You'd like that wouldn't you" Chan hissed his fangs scraping Felix's neck "want me to dick you down, I already have you naked in my bed"

"You know I want it" Felix's voice turned seductive bringing Chan's face to his to rub their noses together

"That's all you fucking want, isn't it. To be my whore"

"Yes yes" Felix groaned a cheeky grin making its way to his face "but I'm so hungry"

Chan growled a low feral rumbling in his chest "why do I fucking let you"

"Because you fucking love my ass, you wouldn't have taken me if you didn't"

"I should have left you to rot in your kingdom"

"Then take me back there, see how long you can live without me" Felix smirked, knowing he'd won.

He used to be a prince many years ago, living in a huge castle. Until one day another vampire clan invaded and he was kidnapped for ransome.

Yeah long story short, he never went back.

Chan's jaw clenched resisting the urge to snap on felix's neck and drain him. He'd done that many times when Felix was being a brat.

"Come on channie~" Felix whined "im so hungry"

"Starve" Chan smirked moving to get away. Before he could Felix grabbed him, flipping them over.

Chan was so distracted by Felix's bare body over him he didn't resist felix biting into him.

Felix groaned as Chan's blood filled his mouth. He was pure blood so his blood was completly clean and tasted amazing.

Chan wrapped his arms around Felix's back allowing him to drink.

"Felix" Chan spoke as a first warning, he knew Felix would never stop after he asked him first.

"Felix." Chan growled, making him slowly detach his lips and lick over the wound.

"Happy now" Chan smiled as Felix dropped onto Chan with a humph.

"Very" Felix slurred feeling drowsy from being full "No!"

Felix weakly protested as Chan's fangs attached to his jaw. He sucked slowly allowing little beads to escape and slip down Felix's neck.

Felix was effected in a very different way to Chan. Having his blood sucked always made him very aroused.

"Channie" Felix whined as Chan bent down and bit the area by his rib. "Stop, ugh peasent"

"Do not give me orders little one" Chan hissed a hand shooting up to his neck and squeezing.

"A-ah" Felix's back arched as he tried to gasp in breaths.

"I'll have mercy on you" Chan dropped his hand causing Felix to fall back onto the bed. His chest heaving as he tried to get air again.

"Thank you" Felix smiled lazily reaching over to grab Chan's hand. He brought it to his face and bit into Chan's thumb

"What a baby" Chan tutted

What?! Vampires at Christmas?!

Also fun fact I went and bought a new Christmas jumper today hehe

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