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Before Felix knew what was happening, minho had gone and stuffed a wet toilet paper ball into his mouth.

"There, you deserved that. You shrieking hyena" minho snapped as Felix tried to claw the toilet roll out of his mouth.

"Where's-" he choked a little "Channie?"

"He's out, I don't know what he's doing but he's out" minho grabbed Felix and pulled him onto his lap.

"It's Christmas eve" Felix groaned "He's not allowed to be out"

"He'll be back and secon-"


Felix rounded the corner to where Chan was "CHANIIEEEEEEEEEEEE"

"EEEEEEEEEEEE" they both spoke simultaneously before Felix attacked Chan in a hug.




"You're both a bunch of idiots" minho spoke, surprisingly he wasn't swearing like he usually was

"Shut up, you don't lee know anything" Felix snapped taking Chan's bags and bringing them to the kitchen

"I lee know enough to lee know you are unnessicerily loud" minho dead panned, following them to the kitchen like a curious kitten.

"You bought it right?" Felix asked, a suspicious look in his eyes

"Yeah" chan nodded equally as suspicious as Felix pulled out an odd coloured fabric.

Then before minho knew it, he was being tackled by Felix.

"Hey stop what are you doing?" Minho tried to wiggle away as Felix tugged off his sweater and replaced it with something else.

It was a little itchy, not very soft.

Then he looked down


A Christmas jumper, an ugly one at that.

Somehow, they'd managed to get a bunch of bells, tinsel and fabric onto one patch of the jumper.

Minho looked up and it got worse.

Felix and Chan, were matching with him.

Oh his day was not going well.

He was supposed to be going to see his parents tonight, was he gonna turn up wearing this?

"Yes" Felix smiled cheekily, allowing Chan to pull his back into his chest "you will be going home like that"

"Whyyy" minho groaned

"It's a little piece of us going home with you"

Minho sighed, this definitely was not going to get worse

"WE'RE HOME!" Minho slowly turned his head

There were all the members, in matching Christmas sweaters.

Minho simply, passed away.

Lil bit of a minho pov on Christmas eve, bet you we rent expecting that

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