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Felix had one job

Not to loose jeongins fucking child in the grocery store.

It's not his fault (it is)

She just had to walk off while he was picking between the different spices they had.

Jeongin was the one who left the kid with him.


"Mmm" Felix hummed, not looking up from his marketing project which was due in two days.

He jumped as his phone suddenly began to ring

"Hey jeongin" Felix answered, he was pretty sure he could hear someone crying in the background

"Will you take Jia for a while? I need to work and she wont be quiet" jeongin sounded exaughsted, which to be fair they all were. They had a project due so soon and it still hadn't been approved by their boss.

"I don't know innie. I need to work too"

"Look it will just be for a while, I need a couple food items. I'll give you money and everything"

Felix let out a long loud sigh "ok, I'll be over "

He had no idea this would have him running around the isles, looking for the lost child.

He was going to be murdered.

He prayed that she had been good, and gone to the cashiers to ask for help.

Had jeongin taught her to do that?"

Felix wasn't sure if jia knew how to get around this place but he hoped she had sat somewhere or something.

He checked every isle from start to finish, he was beggining to loose hope when he rounded the corner of the bread isle and shit.

There she was, that's not the problem though. She was talking to Felix's boss

"JIA!" Felix shouted running up to her and grabbing her hand and getting down on one knee to face her. His boss was going to have to wait" what have you been told about running off?"

Jia looked up at him guilty

"You were talking long" she said sadly "Ji Ji got bored"

"Princess you should have told me, not bothering this nice man" Felix picked her up, she instantly clung to him with a pout

"It was no problem"

"I'm so sorry, Mr Bang" Felix said awkwardly, why of all people was it his boss. It as different seeing Chan in non work clothes

"Chan is fine and it's really nothing" Chan waved his hands "she's very cute"

"She's not cute she's a pest!" Felix booped her nose making her giggle

"Is she yours?"

"Oh no" Felix smiled sheepishly "she's jeongins"

"Ah, Mr yang. I didn't know he had a kid"

"Well here she is!" Felix laughed before he realised something. He left his basket in the vegetable isle "a shit"

"What's wrong?"

"I hate to do this sir- Chan, I left my basket" Felix looked at Jia "And I think this one needs to go home"

"Ah, well good look with her felix" Chan smiled and Felix returned it

"Come on then love" he put her down and grabbed her hand, just as they began to walk off he heard Chan call

"Have an extra day on the dealine"


"Fuck yes!" Felix whisper shouted Jia looking at him with confusion

"What is fu-"

"Jia would you like a toy?"


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