Asiyah's POV.
It's been a few months filled with growth, understanding and love.
School is near it's end which is obviously even more stressful than ever.
Devin and I have been working really hard and studying non stop.
Fahad never talked to me after the last time that we were together. Actually, his cousin decided to stay for the rest of the school year and every time that I see him she's with him.
We both didn't bother each other anymore and at first everyone was giving me glares because I wasn't around him but then it somehow calmed down and no one ever bothered or mentioned him around me no more.
Maryam left back to Pakistan with her husband.
Azaan is always working really hard. We have been working on our relationship for the past months and I'm glad to say that there's some progress.
I'm getting happier and I'm smiling more. I feel less depressed and I miss his touch when he's not home. Sometimes we have deep talks and I feel good telling him about my life and problems.
He's becoming my best friend, a person I can fully trust and a person that makes my heart beat really fast.
I don't imagine my life without him in it. He completes me and he's the one.
It's the weekend and I can finally rest after a whole week of schooling.
I was in my room folding my clothes when I heard a knock on my door and then Azaan got in.
"hey, busy?" he asked walking to me and wrapping his arms from behind around my waist.
"Not really, what's up?" I asked.
"I have to leave again tomorrow" he said.
I turned around to face him.
"Where are you going this time?"I asked already knowing that I'll get bored alone and a bit upset that he's not around me.
"Another trip for work but...I have a good news" he said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You get to come with me" he said.
"Really?!" I asked not believing it.
He nodded and I jumped in his arms in excitement.
Good thing I was folding some clothes, I'll just have to put them in a small suitcase to bring along.
The next day, I was all ready to leave with him.
We got into the car and on our way to his workplace.
The ride was fun, we sang to our favourite songs together and let the fresh air come trough the windows.
After three hours, we arrived to a gorgeous looking place that looked like a hotel and got out of the car.
"hotel?" I asked.
"We're staying here for a week" he said.
I nodded and then we got inside with our luggage.

RomanceShe knew this bus wasn't going to bring her to school today. She was afraid and scared that she would have to face this day. But it all happened and no matter how hard she tried to escape, in the end she went back to her place. He never chose to be...