Part 20- Jealous Freak

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Asiyah's POV.

When I woke up the next morning I got ready remembering how I woke up in the middle of the night.

It was a first time for me.I've never been this way before. I've never felt so scared and sad while being in a dream like that.

Azaan stayed the whole night beside me and I'm sure I ruined his night.

He recites the Quran in such a beautiful way that I still can't get over it and I probably never will. It made me think that maybe he's not such a bad guy. Maybe his heart is good but his past or something is making him put on a strong ego and a serious face all the time.

I suddenly have the urge to want to give him a chance and get to know him even more.

He saw me in the state that I was and I wonder what he's been thinking.

Today I decided to wear casual and comfortable clothes again because it's the best combo. I wore a pair of white sweatpants again with my white shoes. A green hoodie and a black hijab. I added a black beanie on top because it's pretty cool outside.

I went downstairs and grabbed my self an apple from the fridge, I saw Azaan sitting on the kitchen table doing something on his tablet

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I went downstairs and grabbed my self an apple from the fridge, I saw Azaan sitting on the kitchen table doing something on his tablet.

"Good morning" I said.

"Hey good morning, how you feeling?" he asked putting his tablet away and coming to me.

"I'm good"I said.

"you sure?" he asked again.

"yes I am" I confirmed.

"Good, let's get you to school then" he said turning but I grabbed his arm.

"Uh...thank you for last night" I said.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around me.

"No need to thank, I'll always be there for you" he said before pulling away.

I smiled and then we made our way out of the house.


It might be the beginning for me in a new school but it's not for the others. Therefore I have to catch up with every other assignments and work given. I literally have a pile of homework to do and I already have an exam coming up in two weeks.

Just by the thought of it, my anxiety and stress is attacking me.

But I'm confident that if I put my heart and soul into it, I'll make it happen.

I texted Azaan to let him know that after school I would be at the school's library to start my work.

He said I could do that at home but I insisted and he left me on read. He can be so childish sometimes.

After I was done with my last class, I made my way to the library and took a nice spot to study.

I plugged Azaan's earphones in my ears that I stole from him last night and put some good music before concentrating.

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