Chapter 24- I love you

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Asiyah's POV.

The next day I got ready did the same routine and got out of the house.

I got into Fahad's car and he drove to school.

Last night I was wondering what Azaan was doing and if he's okay

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Last night I was wondering what Azaan was doing and if he's okay. Somehow I can't stop thinking about what he told me before he left.

Am I really that selfish?

I don't know where he is and I don't know when he'll come back but I can't stop thinking about him. Not going to lie, I miss him.

I miss his presence incredibly much that I can't explain it.

We arrived to school and Fahad opened the door for me.

I got out and he suddenly wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I asked him confused.

"Just wait and see" he said.

Something seems very wrong and I don't like this.

We walked into the school while many stares were given.

I just want to hide right now.

He stopped walking and I also did and then he looked at me and smiled.

What is he thinking?

He looked around at the people looking at us.

"Asiyah is my girlfriend and she doesn't like you guys staring at her all the time, if I get to know that she feels this way again I will personally handle this matter with you guys" he said giving them a serious look.


I was looking at him with wide eyes while trying to process what he just said.

As soon as he finished talking everyone moved away and stopped looking.


When they stopped looking, he removed his arm from me.

"What was that?!" I asked him.

"What? That's the best way to handle this matter" he casually said.

"Are you insane?! I can't date you!" I said.

"I know and I'm not asking you to do that either, I did this to help you"

"Help me with what?! Now everyone's gonna expect us to act like a couple!" I said.

"It's going to be fine" he checked the time on his watch and then said "class is about to start hurry to class now" he said before leaving.

I'm so dead. If Azaan finds out about this, it's literally going to be the death of me.

Okay calm down Asiyah if you keep your mouth shut he won't know and everything will be good...or maybe not!!!

I got into class and sat beside Devin letting my breath that I was holding in for a minute.

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