Asiyah's POV.
The girls calmed down after the man said it was organized by the school.
How can they believe him so easily?
One by one they all got out of the bus.
Only me and Maryam were left to get out.
I wish I could just get on the driver's seat and drive back to school but I don't want to create a problem, if it isn't one for sure.
"Let's go Maryam" I told her as we got up and out of the bus.
We were all out now and standing side by side waiting for what we had to do next.
What kind of activity is organized without a warning?
"what do you think this is about?" Maryam whispers to me.
"I don't know but I doubt what they're saying" I whispered back.
" Asiyah... I love you.." she said.
" why are you saying that as if it was the last time we were seeing each other?" I asked her.
"I don't know I just felt like letting you know"
"girls stop chatting already" the man warned us.
We stopped talking and paid attention to what he was saying.
"there's five cars here and two of you will get into each car, the guy in each car will come out and choose which girl he will take with him and all you have to do is get into the car"
What is he saying?!
Why should we separate?
And why do they get to choose?
I raised my hand to ask a question.
"yes miss?" he gives me permission.
"why do you guys get to choose with who we get into the cars with?" I asked.
"because we decide"
"well I don't get it.. What kind of activity is this?" I asked again.
I see his smirk as he raise his hand and soon the guys from the cars get out and come standing in front of us.
"I didn't get an answer" I said.
"you sure do talk a lot but like I said we decide how it goes" he said.
I don't get it!
"the first two girls that will be chosen will go with Aryan" he said as he points a tall muscular guy with blue eyes and black hair.
Honestly I don't see a difference with any of these five guys.
They're all super tall, well shaped and look amazing but on another note that just doesn't feel right.
They look super serious and scary looking.
Like I get it you're a guy... Now what?
"I'll take her and her" he says as he points at Maryam and another girl.
I want it to be with my bestie!!
I hold on to her hand.
Why does it feel like I'll never see her again?
" can you let go of your friend's hand miss? You'll see her later" he said but I can't seem to let go.
" hide your phone" I whispered before I leave her hand and she walks up to the car and gets inside.
Two by two every girl was getting inside a car and soon there was only me and another girl left.

RomanceShe knew this bus wasn't going to bring her to school today. She was afraid and scared that she would have to face this day. But it all happened and no matter how hard she tried to escape, in the end she went back to her place. He never chose to be...