Asiyah's POV.
I woke up with dry tears on my face.
I've been over thinking the whole night about my life and crying to Allah.
I wish he could give me answers.
I'm confused and lost and I really don't want to be here anymore.
Even if my parents don't care, I'll go back to them.
It's better than running my life here.
I got ready really early around 6 am and took my stuff with me.
I take my bag and walk out my room to go see Sultan.
I arrive at his office door and take a deep breath before knocking.
"come in" he says.
I get in and he doesn't seem surprised.
"hey Asiyah... It's really early come and take a seat" he says.
I taka a seat in front of him.
"what's wrong?" he asks.
"I want to leave this place right now" I said.
"what do you mean?" he asks.
"you know perfectly what I mean, there's no point of me staying here and I am not worth it for whatever this is so please let me go" I tell him.
"I didn't think I'd have to tell you this today but regarding the fact that you seem really serious right now, I guess I'll have to let you know" he opened a board and was looking for something.
He took out a file and placed it in front of me.
"this is an agreement signed with your parents, read it carefully and surely some of your questions will be answered" he said.
I took the file and opened it.
I started reading it, word by word as I couldn't believe it.
So... They have the right to keep me with them?
Three years contract?
What is all this?!
I kept reading carefully making sure that I wasn't just hallucinating.
I made it to the end of the agreement and saw two signatures.
That's not my parents signature.
"these are not my parents signatures" I told Sultan.
He looked up at me raising a brow.
"you're almost 20 and your adoptive parents still haven't told you that you're adopted?"
It was as if a needle was being placed into my heart.
"w-what are you saying?" I said not being able to process this.
"I don't understand, how can you not know about such an important thing?" he asks me.
Tears were making there way out.
"you're lying" I said.
"why would I lie about such thing, the contract says it all" he said.
This is the worst nightmare ever.
"it's not real!" I got up from my chair and yelled.
I was frustrated, angry, mad, sad and out of words.
This is not real.
Ya Allah...
I left the papers on the table and ran out of his office.

RomanceShe knew this bus wasn't going to bring her to school today. She was afraid and scared that she would have to face this day. But it all happened and no matter how hard she tried to escape, in the end she went back to her place. He never chose to be...