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i've never simped for anyone
aren't u engaged to karl and sapnap
didn't u go on lorh
ur tier 3 sub to me says otherwise

yourmcusername joined the game

<KarlJacobs> hi!
<yourmcusername> hello :)

you hadn't logged in in a while. this realisation hit you full force as you glanced around L'manburg, seeing the new additions to the server. you knew a lot had happened, lore wise, that you were neutral from.

you were probably going to be dragged into the plot sooner or later. you logged into the smp expecting some battle to be going on, but so far everything appeared peaceful.

you notice that karl is streaming so you tune in from your other monitor.

<KarlJacobs> vc 2 :D

you click on the vc with sapnap, george, karl and quackity.

"dude, don't build that there," sapnap says.

"why not?" george asks. "hi, y/n," he adds.


"come up to boomerville with us," sapnap says. you head up a hill and spot the four of them outside a pyramid.

"what are you guys doing here?"

all four of them surround you in game.

"why are you guys...?"

"you see," quackity says at last. "we have made the decision to adopt you as a part of el rapids." their avatars nod up and down.

"i'm just finding out about el rapids now," you admit.

"well, this is el rapids," quackity says, his character swiveling his head to the pyramid and the small land beyond.

"i see."

"we'd like you to become a citizen."

"so, i'm no longer a l'manburgian if i agree?"

"exactly," karl says.

"who needs l'manburg anyways?" sapnap says.

"okay, i'll join."

"it's not that simple," quackity says ominously. "first, you have to pass a few tests."

"okay," you say slowly, dragging out the o.

"let's make this easier. i'll have karl demonstrate."

quackity places a row of cobblestone blocks in front of you. he holds string in his hand and places it on top of the blocks, creating a line of powder.

karl steps up to the powder and the row disappears as he sniffs loudly. he takes a few deep heavy breaths. then he shouts with glee and sprints up and down the pyramid, going crazy. you laugh.

"are you ready?" quackity replaces the powder. you don't answer him. you just step up, sniff, and destroy the string.

"...how do you feel?" quackity asks after a beat.

"like... a new person."

they all whoop, their avatars jumping up and down around you. someone claps.

"Y/N DID IT! WE'RE POPPING OFF!" karl says.

"now... for a final test," quackity says. "anyone have the eye of truth?"

"oh, i've got one," sapnap says, dropping a spider eye. you pick it up.

"is your hunger bar low?" quackity asks.

"i've got half."

"okay, that's perfect. eat up."

you eat the eye of truth and watch as you lose hearts. you think you might die when the damage stops. you breathe in deeply then join the chorus of yells and whoops.

"SHE SURVIVED!" sapnap exclaims.

"WELCOME TO EL RAPIDS BABY!" quackity yells. "your new name is... hermosa."

"which means?"

"anyone know?" quackity asks firstly, his character glancing around the group.

"nope. no idea," george says.

quackity laughs lightly. "it means beautiful."

a blush creeps up your cheeks. your face is red and you're grateful you're not streaming. otherwise your facecam would pick up on your flattered but embarrassed face.

he thinks i'm beautiful.

"awwww," karl says loudly.

"quackity is such a little simp," sapnap mocks. george giggles.

"hey, you shut up," quackity replies sharply, but you can hear the hint of a smile in his voice. you glance over at karl's chat zooming past your eyes.

user5: OMG AW

"we gotta change the el rapids sign now," george says, standing in front of the el rapids supremacy sign.

"alright, alright, i got this, one second," quackity says. he takes down the photo and replaces it with another one.

one of george, standing awkwardly in front of a minecraft greenscreen in a puffer jacket with the caption 'hey girl' at the top.

"oh my god," george says, exasperated. you can hear the eyeroll in his voice. "not this again."

quackity barks with laughter, doubling over and hitting his desk. you can't help but giggle.

"take it down, now," george says.

"nooo, you're the face of el rapids, you should be proud!" karl says.

"why would he take it down, it looks fantastic," sapnap comments.

"not you too," george whines.

GeorgeNotFound left the game

quackity laughs harder and you stifle a laugh.
"aw no george, come back," quackity says.


"wa-ambulence alert, am i right chat?" karl rolls his eyes on stream.

"i changed the photo, look," quackity says.

"you're lying."

"he isn't," you assure him, playing along.

"aha, see? if hermosa says it, then it must be right," quackity says in his mexican dream accent.

you can't help but feel a flush of warmth at the word. hermosa.

"i'm checking the stream."

quackity did change george's photo, just not the way george wanted him to. he's taking a selfie in a pad aisle, with the caption 'aight babe i'm in the pad aisle, what size pussy you wear?'

"QUACKITY YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" george screams. quackity shrieks with laughter, banging on his desk. sapnap chuckles.

karl snorts, turning bright red and shaking his head. you stifle your giggle behind your hand. quackity is running out of breath, wheezing hard. you can almost picture the tears of laughter forming in his eyes. he starts violently coughing.

"i can't stop staring at the photo," karl says. a discord noise tells you that someone has left the call, george presumably. this just makes quackity laugh harder.

"we're definitely leaving this here," sapnap says.

"agreed," you say.

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