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im cold
if you wanted quackity's beanie u could've just asked
ur his hermosa after all
y/n = hermosa confirmed

you're on a discord call with quackity after he agreed to be in your stream.

"alright chat, today we're playing a scary game with quackity!" you announce.

user1: POG

user2: best duo

user3: YESSSS


user5: OMG POG

"we're playing fnaf, but there's a twist. quackity has to give me instructions without knowing what's going on in game. don't fail me," you say.

quackity chuckles. "i'll try my best."

night 1 begins.

"oh god, this is going to be so hard," he says.

"check cams." you flick through the cams quickly. no movement.

"i'm stressing out already," you say.

"I AM TOO," quackity agrees, letting a deep breath out.

"okay, check cams again."

"bonnie's gone," you tell him while checking all the cams. "he's in the dining area."

"okay, okay," quackity repeats nervously. you thank a few donos to pass the time.

"check cams," quackity orders.

"freddy's in the bathrooms. bonnie's in the supply closet."

"okay. wait three seconds then look at cams again."

"foxy's gone!" you yell, finding him running through the dining area.

"CLOSE BOTH DOORS, QUICK!" they slam shut, the battery draining at an alarming speed.

you both hold your breaths. after what feels like a long time, quackity tells you to open the doors and flick the lights.

"coast clear," you assure quackity.

"that's pretty bad luck for foxy to come on the first night."

"i know, right?"

you pass night 1 with no other incidents and move onto night 2. you're doing pretty well.

"hey, we make a great team," you comment after checking cams.

"yeah, we do," he agrees. "either that or i'm just really good at fnaf."

"yeah, yeah." you roll your eyes.

"check cams."

"freddy's west hall, bonnie's in the dining room."

"check lights on the right side."


"keep checking."

"HE'S THERE!" you shriek.


it slams shut.

you know that you should check cams, or flick the lights on the left side, but quackity goes quiet on the other end, so you can't do anything.


a swooping noise on his end tells you that he just tweeted.

"SERIOUSLY? AT A TIME LIKE THIS!" you shout at your mic.

foxy leaps up on your screen. you scream, jumping back.

"SORRY!" he yells. "i got distracted." his excuses are drowned out by your angry remarks.


"uh... yeah, it was a pretty good tweet, actually."

a lift in his voice tells you he's teasing you, which chips at your anger. you can hear the smirk in his voice and hate how he can flip your mood so easily.

you try not to show it on stream. you huff loudly, exaggeratedly pouting at your camera and crossing your arms.

"don't be sad. here, i joined your stream."

"let's see this tweet, then, now that you're here." you open twitter and see that quackity responded to your tweet.

live w/ quackity! playing fnaf :D
why spend 5 nights at freddy's when
you can spend 5 nights in my bed ;)

you roar with laughter, doubling over. man. so he had to be cute and funny. you pray that the blush on your cheeks is hidden by the stark lighting. quackity joins the chorus of laughter. you angle your phone at the camera, showing your stream the tweet, and the chat speeds by.

user1: y/n x quackity shippers stay winning

user2: big q rly is the no. 1 shipper huh



"that's not what i was expecting," you admit, giggling.

"well, i'm full of surprises," quackity retorts.

"i'm sure you are..." you say suggestively.

"what's that supposed to mean, huh, y/n?"

"i'll tell you if you tell me what you meant by that tweet."

"then, i guess we'll be here forever."

"i'm fine with that."

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