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a slow grin spreads across quackity's face. "say less," he whispers back, rising carefully, cautious of waking karl.

you both tiptoe, in your clothes from yesterday, to your car. you take in the messy strands of black hair peeking out from under quackity's beanie. his zip up jacket hugged him tight, reminding you of how cold you were.

"wait, i left my jacket," you mumble sharply as you pass quackity's room downstairs. your room was upstairs, and you really weren't bothered to get it.

"oh. one sec." he scrambles to his room and emerges with a hoodie and beanie in hand.

"here," he says, tossing them to you. the kind gesture makes your heart flutter.

"thanks." you pull on the LAFD beanie. your mind was screaming, I'M WEARING HIS BEANIE! your cheeks warm.

you hand him the keys and he starts the car while you slip on his hoodie. you join him in the car, connecting your playlist to the speakers. you press shuffle as quackity pulls out of the driveway.

you both hum along to the cheerful melody of 'goodie bag'. quackity taps the steering wheel in time with the beat and you mouth the words.

"do you know that i love going for drives?" he says.

"no, i didn't," you answer.

your mind drifts to a future where this would happen more than once. a future filled with long drives together, the comfortable sounds of the engine, quackity's smooth voice perfectly in tune with the lyrics. you wanted a future like that, you realise.

it was nice to dream.

"i really like your singing," you compliment. he smiles.

"guess i won't sing anymore," he teases.

"shut up," you say playfully.

"i'm kidding. thank you," he says, and you think that this is the first time he's been sincere since coming here, no longer joking around. it felt special; intimate even.

after driving aimlessly, you found a spot on a hill with a clearing. clambering out of the car, you take in the view.

the neighbourhood stretches out below you, the sky is streaked with a warm orange glow.

you look over at quackity standing next to you. you wanted to hold his hand, but you didn't know how he'd act, so your hand stayed by your side.

he ventures deeper into the grassy field before picking a spot to sit down. you take the seat beside him, watching the colours mix into the sky.

the sun begins to rise, basking you in a warm golden glow. the gentle rusting of the trees and the soft chirp of the birds were like a soft lullaby.

you lean back onto your hands. quackity does the same, placing a hand on top of yours. you both continue to stare out into the distance, your hands touching.

the sun rises higher, painting the clouds in yellow and orange. he looks over at you, his gaze hot on your skin. you stare back, a small smile sneaking onto your face.

"what?" you ask softly, tilting your head to the side. quackity smiles too, his face glowing golden in the sunrise. your heart beats faster, climbing up your throat.

there are a few, still moments, until he leans in and presses his lips to yours. the kiss is short, but sweet.

you barely notice that the sunrise is over. you just remember the warmth of his lips and the heat in your chest.

you don't even realise you've been staring at quackity when he looks down shyly, smiling.

you have an urge to hug him, so you do. your arms embrace his side, holding tightly. you bury your face in his shoulder.

"that was nice," you whisper, grinning against him. he chuckles softly.

"what? the sunrise, or the kiss?"

"both. the kiss was definitely much nicer, though."

"oh?" quackity's voice tilts up as he pulls away. "if it was so nice, then why don't you-"

your response is to press a light kiss to his lips, giggling. his surprise renders him slack until he kisses you back.

it felt natural to be together like this; like you had been together a thousand times before.

"come on," quackity says, clutching your hands and pulling you up. you walk to the car, holding hands.

when he lets go to get to the driver's seat, your hand feels empty. as you drive off, one of his hands stays by the wheel, the other resting on your knee.

you wished the moment would never end.

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