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it was time. you had your bags packed, loaded into your car. propping your phone up on the stand inside your car, you set off to karl's house. you answered the incoming call from karl, grinning as he popped up onto your screen.

"karl! hey!" you greet him, keeping your eyes on the road.

"y/n!" he responds cheerfully, a car park surrounding him. "we have some time before quackity gets here, so you can pick where to eat when you come!"

"you already know my answer to that," you say, hinting at the restaurant he took you to when you first visited. you loved it there, and you always made a point to eat there every visit. you often visited karl, and he visited you, since you had grown so close.

"you never change," he says affectionately.

"can't help it when the food tastes so good."

"how long till you get here?" you glance at the gps. you had one hour to go. the time was well spent jamming to songs on your playlist with karl and catching up with each other. soon enough, you were driving down his road.

"karl," you yell, dragging out his name. "guess who's here!"

"WHO? WHO? WHO IS IT?!" he plays along, but you can see him running to the front door on facetime. you hang up once he flings the door open. karl tackled you into a hug after you fly out of the driver's seat.

"guess what?" he asked when you pulled out of the hug. "i already ordered our food! alex is coming earlier than planned so i thought it'd be best if we met him at my house." the food is laid out on his table, your go-to order steaming with heat.

"aw, karl!" you exclaim, happy that he remembered.

"see? i know many things," he says with pride.

you dig into the food enthusiastically, lapsing into a comfortable silence. you couldn't stop thinking about quackity arriving. the flutters in your stomach grew, mixed with excitement.

you were packing up the leftovers when a sharp knock on your door caused you to freeze in your tracks.

you meet eyes with karl, looking equally shocked. karl scrambles to answer the door, whispering, "get behind me!" you creep up behind his back, out of view.

"ALEX!" karl cries in greeting when he lays his eyes on quackity.

"hey, man!" quackity says enthusiastically. a grin adorns his face, his eyes lighting up. karl pulls quackity into an embrace and holds him tight for a few seconds. when they pull apart, you're left standing motionless behind them. your heart pumps faster, the sound pulsing in your head. should you say something?

your doubt is squashed by karl. he steps aside, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"and you've got one more person to say hi to!" karl giggles. you're frozen in place. quackity's eyes meet yours and his confused expression gives away to happiness.

"y/n!" he shouts, stepping towards you. you wrap your arms around his middle, smiling against him.

"hi alex," you mumble into his shoulder. he laughs.

"i'm so glad you're here," he says fondly.

"me too."

"hey guys, karl's here too," karl says exaggeratedly. the next few minutes are spent organising belongings and rooms. quackity's hungry, and you and karl ate all the food from earlier, so you head out for a drive.

"i'm driving, since you guys made it all the way here already," karl interjects as he takes the front seat. you find a diner and quackity orders a meal while you and karl get drinks. when quackity's food arrives, you can't help but steal a chip from his plate.

"hey!" he grumbles indignantly as you pop the chip in your mouth and grin. "get your hands off my food."

"correction, our food," you say, sliding your hand towards his plate slowly. you're not even that hungry, you just want to mess with him.

"okay, our food then," he says, rolling his eyes. in one swift motion, he steals your drink and takes a sip. now it's your turn to look mock upset. you fold your arms and refuse to acknowledge him, turning to karl.

"so karl, this is nice," you say. "just me and you."

karl looks up from his phone and matches your playful smile. "yeah!" he nods in agreement. "no one called alex quackity is around, which is great."

"screw you guys," quackity says, taking another sip. "i'll finish your drink if that's how we're gonna play."

"and i will finish this random plate of chips that just appeared in front of me," you quip back. "did you order this, karl?"

"i did," quackity says, still attempting to be noticed.

"nope," karl says, popping the p loudly. you shrug. "guess i have to eat these now." quackity slaps your hand away, laughing. he returns to his phone, and seconds later you get a notification saying quackity has tagged you in a tweet.

y/n stop stealing my fries challenge

"ooh, he exposed you on twitter," karl says, giggling as he peers over your phone.

"just for that tweet i'll do it again," you tease. quackity covers his plate with his hand as a barrier.

karl drives back home and you brainstorm ideas for what to do.

"scary movie!" you suggest.

"ooh, okay," karl says, warming to the idea.

"first one to get scared loses," quackity says, tossing in a bet. you agree that the loser had to pay for the next meal. karl has a huge couch, so you grab blankets and pillows and surround yourself. you stretch your legs out as the movie begins to play.

"i've never seen this, but the reviews say it's super scary," karl says ominously as the first scene starts. within the first half hour, a jumpscare catches you off guard and you shriek, jumping back. the boys begin to laugh.

"ha! guess who's paying tomorrow," karl teases.

"what's the most fanciest cafe around here, karl? i'm just in the mood for something super expensive all of a sudden," quackity adds. you shove his shoulder lightly.

after the scary movie, you decide to have a marathon, binging all sorts of movies on netflix. your eyes begin to droop at 3am, and you drift off to sleep, zoning out the tv.

you wake at 6 am, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes. groggily, you sit up, pushing the hair away from your face. karl is curled up on the other end of the huge couch. quackity is next to you, bundled up in a blanket. a thin ray of light is emitting from under the blanket.

"alex," you whisper, and his head pops out of the blanket. he gives you a sleepy smile, yawning.

"what's up?" you nod towards karl, who wis as deep in sleep, snoring softly. you look back at quackity, a plan forming in your mind.

"wanna go watch the sunrise?"

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