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{ Episode Seven }

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{ Episode Seven }

"here"Damon said handing Caroline a glass of blood. "i'm still shaking."she said "what happened "Stefan asked walking in."go ahead, tell him. you're gonna love this"Damon says and i hit his chest and he smirks at me. "i saw Katherine today. "Caroline says "where?"Stefan asked "at the grill. i just stopped by to gawk at and... quasi-stalk Matt"she says "sad"i said and she glared and i smile and she tells us what happened with her and Matt "skip the teen drama and get to it"Damon said "then i had to pretend to use the bathroom even though i really didn't have to go, cause i'm a dufus. "she says and she tells us that Katherine wants to give us a message

"what was the message?"Stefan asked "tell Damon and Stefan that she wants the moon stone. or she will rip this town apart until it rains blood"Caroline said "wow...she a bitch"i said and Damon nods in agreement "tell them the rest of it"Damon said "she wants it tonight at the masquerade ball"Care says "she want to do it in public. killing Mason threw her off guard "Stefan said "she's running scared. what she did to Jenna was desperate. she's out of tricks."Damon says

"we can't underestimate her"i said looking at them. "we have to play this smarter than her"Stefan said "can't we just give her the moon stone so she'll leave?"Caroline asked "no. Katherine's not getting dick. i had it. i gonna go to the masquerade ball, and i'm going to kill her. tonight"Damon said "you're not going to kill her"Stefan said "don't give me that goody-goody crap."Damon said "you're not going to kill her"he says again. "oh, really" Damon says "because i am"Stefan says and my eyes widen.


"easy easy"i said as me and Matt help Jenna in the door. "grab the door Jeremy"Matt says "stop fussing , i'm fine"Jenna says "like hell you are "i said "the doctor said that you have to take it easy"Elena says "yeah, you don't wanna rip your stitches and hemorrhage and die, all right"Jeremy said "yeah, the only thing i'm gonna die from is embarrassment "Jenna says "no..."Matt says "i "walked" into a knife. how does somebody do that?"she asks and i laugh as i sit her down on the coach. "it was a freaked accident"Elena said "yeah, it happens "Jeremy says

"yeah. i mean, i've done it , like 20 times at the grill. "Matt says and Jenna laughs the groans "ok, i'm being nice. what should i do with this?"Matt asked holding up the bag. "i got it"Elena says and takes the bag. "okay i have to go upstairs and start getting ready for the ball"i said and kissed Jenna on the head before walking away "wait. your going too"Elena asked and i nod "yeah"i said and walked upstairs. i was looking in my closet and called Damon "hello sunshine"he answers "hello Damon"i smiled "what is it you need "he asked "will you be my date to the ball?"i asked holing up a dress "i would be honored Ms. Gilbert"he says and i blushed "see you at seven Mr. Salvatore"i said and hung up with a big smile on my face.


"are you sure you can do this?"Stefan asked Damon as i held his arm and looked out into the crowed "who are you talking to? "Damon asked "i had the chance to kill her and i hesitated"Stefan said "that's because you as sweet as the Easter Bunny"i said and Damon laughed "well, that is the fork in the road between you and me, my friend. i don't hesitate. "Damon said "you spent 145 years loving her. it could happen. "Stefan says "i won't hesitate"Damon says "okay"he says

"let's dance"i said and he groans "please just once"i beg and he looks at me and sighs "fine"he said and i grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. "you drive me crazy you know that"he asks and i playfully rolling my eyes "yep but you love me too much to leave me"i said and he held me closer and and he looked me in the eyes "yes i do"he says and that feeling in my chest come along again.


i was with Elena, Jeremy and Bonnie, Elena found out what were doing her and came to try to stop us i guess but from the text i got from Caroline, Katherine is with Damon and Stefan. "AHH"me and Elena yell. it felt like a stake was in my back "oh my god"i cried and Bonnie held me ""what is it"Bonnie asked and i was in to much pain to answer "what's happening"Jeremy asked "AHHH"we scream and i feel pain in my arm. "whats going on?"Jeremy asked "Jeremy it's Katherine. they're linked with Katherine ! get them to stop!"Bonnie shout and Jeremy runs.

~No ones Pov~

Jeremy ran through the crowd and up the stairs to find Damon seconds away from staking Katherine in the heart "stop! you're hurting Ellie and Elena !"when Damon heard Ellie's name he stopped immediately. "everything you're doing to her is hurting them. "Jeremy said and Damon moved and Katherine got up, so did Stefan. "you think you two are the only one with a witch on your side? wrong. and something tells me that my witch is better then your witch."Katherine said "jeremy go check on Elena and Ellie. make sure she's okay"Stefan said and jeremy nods and runs back

"let's all make sure poor Elena and Ellie are okay. just a little pressure"Katherine said and cuts her hand and they couldn't hear but Ellie and Elena were crying in pain, Elena more the Ellie. "this is really gonna hurt"Kat said and we about to stake herself "wait"Damon said and she smirked and sat down "ok. so, how about that moonstone"she smirks


"Katherine...the spell from this room has been broken. you're free to leave"Lucy said holing up the the moonstone. all Damon wanted was to make sure Ellie was okay but he also wanted t kill Katherine to make sure she doesn't but it was looking like she was. "thank god. "Kat says "when i hand this over, my debt to you is over. "lucy says "done"Kat says "i owe you nothing"Lucy says "i said "done" give it"Katherine says "i wouldn't do that"Damon said and Lucy puts the stone in Katherine's hands but then Katherine began to shake and chock "you should have told me another witch involved. she's a Bennett witch, Katherine. but i'm sure you knew that. "Lucy said

"wait Elena-- Ellie?"both asked about the girls they love. "they're fine."Lucy say and they let out a breathe they were holding. "the spell is broken. she'll heal quickly, Bonnie's with them. i apologize for my involvement"Lucy says and turns around and leaves.

~Ellie Pov~

i was in the Lockwood's bathroom cleaning my blood off when the door fly's open, it was Damon. in a blink of a eye he was in front of my with my face in his hands "i'm so glad your okay"he says. i wrapped my arms around his waist. "you were worried about me?"i asked and he gives me a shocked looked "why are you so surprised "he asked "i thought you'd be worried about Elena"i said "i did too...but all i'm worried about is you"he says and i smiled and he leaned down and kissed my forehead "don't ever scare me like that again"he says and lays his forehead on mines and i blush"can't make any promises Mr. Salvatore"i say and he chuckles but holds my waist tighter

 Salvatore"i say and he chuckles but holds my waist tighter

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Elena and i held hands as we walked to the car. "hey Jeremy, i've got my car. tell Bonnie whatever she did we are starting to feel better. yeah. you can drive her home. i'm just going straight to bed"Elena said to Jeremy over the phone "me too. i can't wait to get these hills off"i said and she gave me a smile "okay"she says and hangs up. them i feel a pain in my neck and o groan before everything went dark

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