The Descent

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{Episode Twelve }

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{Episode Twelve }

"Baby just do it"i said "nope"he says "Damon i made Stefan do it too. these originals can compel vampires babe so we need to make sure they don't do it to us"i said and shove the cup on his chest he looked at the cup then me and i gave puppy dogs. "god i hate when you make that face"he mumbles and drinks it. he groans and kneels on the ground for a minute "you okay"i asked and he glares "do i seem okay to you"he sassed "don't get sassy with me okay? i'm making you do this because i care"i said and wrapped my arms around his neck "i know...did you do it"he asked "hurt like a bitch"i chuckled and he pecked my lips before we went to go check up on Rose.

"i was born in 1450. that makes me 560 years old "she said "if you were a bottle of wine..."i say trying to make her feel better. "so i can be die. i've lived long enough"she says and i look at Damon for help "you know if your going to be maudlin, i'm just gonna kill you myself. just to put me out of your misery"he said and i hit his arm "not helping"i said and he shrugged " come on it's just a little werewolf bite"i said not doing better the Damon did.

"just a little fatal to a vampire werewolf bite."she chuckles a bit "well, according to legend which is a notoriously unreliable source...drink up"he says and hands her a drink. "blood heals"i said rubbing her shoulder. "yeah. it does feel like it's working"she says "let's have a look. come on"he says and she turns so we can see it and it was really bad. me and Damon share a look "how is it"she asked "definitely...better. right, Elena?"i ask when Elena walks in. "um.. it's not bad"she says and i smile at Rose "where's Stefan?"Damon asked

"he left. i need you to talk to him. he's convinced that he has to find Isobel. but i think that's gonna upset Elijah"Elena said "no can do. i'm with Stefan on this one"Damon say and she looks at me "maybe he should just in case Elijah is as bad as Klaus."i said and she sighs "but if you could play nurse for a little while"Damon said walking to her "that won't be necessary."Rose said "it is necessary. Elena's a do-gooder. it in her nature she can't resist. "he says leaving and i speed after him. "i'm coming."i said and he sighed "Ellie.."he says and i shake my head "you go i go. i don't need you getting kill"i said and grabbed his hand "okay..fine"he said and we speed out, holding hands


we walked in the grill and we spot Jules and i look at Damon and i knew he wanted kill. he let go of my hand and began to walk to her."what are you doing here?"Damon asked Stefan who stopped him. "i've been waiting for you two. listen there's a lot of people here "Stefan said "well, damn. there goes my plan to rip her spleen through her back."Damon scoffed and went to go to her. "hey, i know your upset about Rose."Stefan said "wrong choice of words dude"i mutter, shaking my head. "why does everybody think i'm upset about Rose? i'm fine. i don't know if you know this but sometimes vampires die. i'm going to have a friendly chat with ladywolf brother"he said and looks at me "alone"he says and i sighed


"thanks for coming so quickly"I hear Damon say to Liz. we were at the school, looks like Rose got out of the house. "no, i was close by Liz, what happened? "he asked " a vampire. luckily one of my deputies discovered the body before anyone else saw him. " Liz said " you have to secure the area, then"Damon said "don't cause a panic, but let's move this party into the cafeteria. i'll take the east side of the school, you take the west?"Liz said and then Damon walks to me and grabs my hand and we start to look around for rose. "hey, have you heard from him? do you know what he's up to?"Elena asked "baby brother's not exactly my priority right now"Damon said "take this. come on, let's go."i said and handed her a stake and i grab her other and we walk away

"ahhh"i hear a girl scream "Damon"i said "shit"he says and we run towards the scream. "Rose stop"Damon said when we seen her killing a girl. Rose turns around and attacks me and we fall backwards and she was on top of me, Damon got her off and pinned her down. "Rose! Rose, it's me, Damon. it's Damon"he said and she calms down. "did i do this? no! i didn't mean to. i didn't mean to hurt anyone. i never want to hurt anybody"she cries " i know. i know"i said kneeling down and caressing her cheek while she cried "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry"she says to Elena "come on let's get you home. "Damon said and picks her up.

"no, i don't have a home. i haven't had a home in so long! oh make it stop please make it stop. oh make it stop!"she sobbed and Damon picks her up and we talk her home. "lay her down"i said and he does and i start whipping her face, getting the blood and sweat off. "hi there"i said when she opens her eyes "i'm sorry"she says "you went on a murder rampage. it happens "Damon said from behind me "i'm sorry Elena "she say and i turn around to see my sister walking in. "i don't like taking human life i never have,"she says

"you shouldn't be here"Damon said and i nudge him. "that's the worst part about death...the hunt. the need to kill. the thirst. pleasure it bring you afterwards. i wasn't meant to be evil. it hurts. "Rose said "well, then stop talking about it."Damon spat then walks away from the bed. i get up and walk over there with him. "Damon..."i say softly "don't"he said and i was gonna say something anyway but Rose spoke again "Damon's a lot like me. he wants to care but the minute he does he runs away from it. "Rose said "yeah no kidding "i said and he looks at me but i look away.

"i'm sorry for what i've done today. "Rose says "i know"Elena says "and you need to fight. i know that you're scared , but you have to do it anyway. "Rose said then started coughing but Elena takes care of it. "why are you so nice to me?"she asks "us humans"Elena says "you can never forget it. what it's like to be human. it haunts me. it's the only thing that keeps me going. it doesn't hurt as much anymore "she said but soon after she started gagging and groaning and screaming "what do we do?"Elena asked "go"he said "Damon..."Elena says "go! just go. i've got this"he says and she slowly leaves

"oh my god. make it stop! make it stop! i can't take this anymore , make it stop!"she sobbed


i walked upstairs with water to give to Rose and i stop when i hear them talking. "who'd have thought you'd be a nice guy"she says "i'm not nice. i'm mean and i like it."he says and i roll my eyes "you lie."she says "shh. shh. just sleep. just sleep. "he says and everything goes quite and i look in and seem her sleeping and him in her head. i stood there and watched sadly knowing what he's gonna do. he looked at me the the stake and my heart dropped, i walk over and slowly pick it up with tears in my eyes "Rose...i- i am so sorry"i said whipped my tears and sat on the bed "now"he whispers and i close my eyes and stake her. i start to cry, i stand up and start to walk out "Ellie"he say but i keep walking. i walk down a road feeling sad like so fucking's kinda overwhelming.

i hear a car and i lay in the street and wait till it get closer, it's not long till the car stops and someone gets out. "ma'am are you okay?"she asked she sounds nice, why are they always nice. i start to "groan in pain" to try to get her closer "what happened?"she asked "i'm...lost."i say "and you're laying in the middle of the road? "she says and i laugh a bit "no that kinda of lost"i said and sit up. "metaphorically. existentially. "i said looking at her "do you need help?"she asked "yes i do. can you help me"i asked drinking "your drunk."she said "no. uh okay maybe"i said and she starts to walk away

"no, please don't leave. i really do need help"i said and when she doesn't stop i speed to her "don't move"i compel"i don't want any trouble"she says "neither do i. but ever since i stepped into this town that's all i get. "i said "why can't i move"she asked "what's your name"i asked cupping her face to whip the tears "Max."she says "hi, Max. i didn't know the name of the last girl i killed. "i said and another feeling hits me "i have a secret Max . i have a big one. but i never said it out loud. i mean what's the point Max. it's not going to change anything. it's not gonna make me feel batter. "i said now thinking of what Katherine said he was very much much in love with Elena "i can't be what he wants me to be! i'm Ellie Gilbert. rude, easily angered, sarcastic and most of all i don't look like her. but this is who i am Max"i said grabbing her shoulders

"are you going to hurt me?"she asked "i'm not sure. because are my existential crisis. do i kill you? or be his type a girl and don't? "i said "please don't"she cries "but i have to, Max. because i'm not human anymore. and i miss it! i miss it more then anything in the world!"i shout "that is my secret but there's only so much hurt i can take"i said calmly "please don't"she begs "okay. you're free to go"i compel. then she runs but i couldn't let her go so i speed to her slammed her against her car and bit into her neck "NO!"

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