As I Lay Dying

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{ Episode Twenty-two }

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{ Episode Twenty-two }

"you brought me to see a girl movie?"Jeremy said and i roll my eyes "we had to get out of the house Jer"i said and Elena nods "this is our three hour distraction from reality"Elena said "is that what we're doing? pretending like our lives aren't screwed?"Jer asked "he's got a point"i said and Elena glares at me. "i thought you were on my side"she said "i was...till he had a point"i said and she sighs "we need to do this, okay? breath, eat, sleep, wake up, and do it all over again until it's just not as hard anymore"Elena said. "hey, there you guys are! who's hungry?"Caroline said and walks over. i smile and grab something out of her hand.

" me"i said and we sit down. "are we really doing this?"Jeremy asked "yes, we are really doing this. we are going to take a page from Scarlet. we made it through the war. i know you guys went through hell and my mom knows i'm a vampire, so basically it's like Atlanta has burned and yet in spite of everything, we persevere"Caroline said and hold her fist in the air and i laugh and throw my fist up "hell yeah"i said and Jer chuckles at me

"all right. what are we eating?"he asked "something good"Caroline said


"hey"Stefan said "hey"Caroline, Elena and i said "look who couldn't resist a epic romance"Elena said "will you two come take a walk with me?"he said "oh no"i mumble. "you're breaking the rules, you know. movie night's supposed to be a distraction. tomorrow we can return to our regularly schedule drama."Elena said "i know. i wish this could wait but it can't. listen the other night when Damon was helping Tyler, something happened"Stefan said and my heart dropped. "Tyler was starting to transform and Damon was bitten. "and my heart broke "what? is-is he gonna? "Elena asked "yeah"Stefan said. there goes another piece of my heart. "oh, my god. and he came to the house this morning and-and he tried to apologize. i practically slammed the door in his face"Elena said

"he told me not to tell you two but i figured if you wanted to talk to him, i wouldn't wait"Stefan said and tried to grab my hand but i walked off. "it's not over Ellie, it might be a cure"he said but i kept walking. i need to see Damon


turns out Damon broke out and hurt Liz and some people on the way out. And they're looking for him, now i'm walking everywhere for him "ok. you're gonna be okay. stop crying and find Damon"i say to myself and whipped my tears. i walked through the movie seeing if he might be here because i looked everywhere else. "Ellie."i turn around and see Damon "Damon. hey, come on. come on. we have to get you out of here. we have to hide. "i said grabbing his arm and putting it over my shoulder "where are we going?"he asked then he tripped "hey."i said and held him up

"relax. we need to get you out of here."i said looking into his eyes but he looked like he was looking right through me. then he slammed me against a tree and i groan. "i choose you, Katherine"he said "of course "i rolled my eyes "look at me. hey. it's Ellie. it's Ellie"i said "promise you will not tell my brother."he said "oh, boy"i said and he pins me harder and leans into my neck "no. Damon. no. bad boy"i said and i can't get him off "i have to...if we are to be together forever"he said and bits me and i grunt in pain

"Damon stop. you're hurting me!"i said "Damon you don't have to do this! stop"i said trying to get him off. i will rethink the next time i try to kill someone, this hurts like a bitch. "ahh"i shout when he pulls away "Ellie."he said and falls to his knees "Damon. baby?"i say and he just leans into my chest and i run my fingers through his hair "it's okay baby. it's okay"i said looking around.


Damon was laying on the bed and i had a wet rage in my hand "Ellie. "Damon said "it's okay. i'm right here. "i said and whipped his head "Ellie, get out of here. i could hurt you."he groans "no. you won't. i'm here until the very end. i'm not leaving you. i choose you remember."i said with tears in my eyes "get out of here. Aah!"he yells in pain. i sit on the bed and pull him in my arms "hey, hey, hey, hey. hang on. shh it's okay. it's okay. "i said rocking us and whipping his face. "it's not okay. it's not okay. all those years i've blamed Stefan. no one forced me to love her. it was my own choice. "he said "shh."i said and he cuddled more into me. "i made the wrong choice. "he said

i feel tears down my cheek and he looks up at me "tell Stefan i'm sorry. okay?"he ask and i nod and hold him tighter "i will" i say "i wish your were the first one i loved"he said and passed out and i cried softly. it was about an hour before he woke up "this is even more painful then i thought. "he said "there's still hope"i said more for me then him "i've made a lot of choices that gotten me here. i deserve this. i deserve to die"he said "no. you don't"i cried and he holds my arm tighter as i move down to lay next to him. "i do Ellie. it's okay. cause if i'd had chosen differently i wouldn't have met you. i'm so sorry"he said and whipped my tears form my cheek "i've done so many things to hurt you. "he said"it's okay. Elena forgives you"i said knowing he would want to know.

"all the girls i loved wanted Stefan"he said and i lay my head on his chest "and it was always going to be Stefan, but not you. you chose me and you loved me more then anything. and i love you so much, i love no one more the you"he said and i squeezed his hand and cried...again "you should know that. "he said and i nodded "i do." i said" you should met me in 1894. you would of loved me."he said and i look up at him "i love you now. just the way you are."i said and leaned in and kissed his lips softly, not wanting to break down. "thank you"he said softly. "you're welcome"i whisper back.

"well, it's me you should be thanking"i turn around to see Katherine. "i mean i'm the one that brought the cure. "she said "give it"i said "not till you agree to go with Klaus and Stefan. it's the only way i can give it too you"she said and i look at Damon Salvatore, the love of my life dying on his bed, where we shared laughs and kisses and stores. i can't live in a world where he's not in it. "okay. i will. give it"i said and she hands it to me before she leaves. i pour the blood in his mouth. "d-don't leave"he mutters "your the love of my life and i can't live in a world where you aren't in it. for me, it's always you Damon Salvatore. no one can ever compare to you. It's Always You" i said and i left


"where are you, love"Klaus said through the phone "i need to say goodbye to someone. i'll be there soon"i said and hung up then knocked on the door "oh Ellie, hey. what are you doing here?"Caroline asked "i need to tell you something"i said and she frowns "okay. come in and tell me"she said and i shake my head "i can't."i said "oh...okay. why?"she asked " Caroline Forbes you are the best thing i've had in my life for a long time. you made me laugh when i want to read my mind when it's hard for me to speak. we are Vampires Caroline"i chuckle with tears in my eyes. Caroline just looked at me with a sad look on her face, but it's because i'm sad. "we were supposed to be with each other forever and never leave each others sides. Me and you are more then friends. Care your my sister.

My person, my everything. how can i leave Caroline Forbes without breaking"i cried and her eyes widen "wait..where are you going?"she asked "a-away...and i'm not coming back."i said and she grabbed my hands and shock her head "no. no! we-you said you wouldn't leave."she said "i said i wouldn't leave without saying goodbye..i'm saying goodbye"i said and she starts crying "no, you said "how could i ever leave Caroline Forbes without breaking" well i'll show you how. don't go"she said and i hug her "i love you"i said and she holds me tight when i try and pull away "please don't"she cried and i pushed away and sped away




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