kill or Be Killed

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{ Episode Five }

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{ Episode Five }

"Ellie...Ellie get up"i hear Damon. i rub my eyes before sitting "hi"i said and he stood at the end of his bed with his arms crossed and that cute smirk on his face. "morning. how'd you sleep and the answer better be good seeing as you slept in my bed"he says and i roll my eyes "it was the worst sleep of my life..this bed suck"i joke "hmm. lair"he says and i smile and nod "okay okay it's the best bed ever made"i said and he chuckles "get dress Caroline has called like six times"he said and leaves. i smile and then text her about Damon before going into the bathroom.


"so suddenly she's in the running for mother of the year just when i'm trying to avoid her the most. i'm babbling. you don't want to hear all this"Caroline said "trust me as your best friend i'm use to it"i say and she gasp and nudges me "oh um. no, i'm sorry. then what happened "Elena asked "well i was a bitch. which is par for the course with us "she says and i began panting "so how are thing with you and Stefan? anything?"Caroline asked and me and Elena give each other knowing looks. Caroline is a spy for Katherine who wants to make sure Stefan and Elena aren't together. "no, not since the fight. he's been pushing me away because he thinks that Katherine might get Jealous enough to hurt me. i just know how to change his mind"Elena says "just try giving it some time maybe he just needs to think"i shrugged

"you said that Katherine's dangerous. maybe he's got a point. "Caroline says " yeah, i know that she's dangerous and i know that he's just trying to protect me . but it feels like giving up. and i--i just..."Elena pauses. Damn she's a good actor . "just what?"Care asks "i just thought we were stronger than that. "Elena says then we get back to work and i thought maybe the Caroline butting into peoples business was over but nope

"uh-oh. longing looks are being exchanged "she says "i'm gonna go talk to him"Elena says "no, Elena i think that's a bad idea "she says "i think it's a great idea"i said and pushed Elena forward and Caroline sighs "why would you do that?"she asked me "because someone has to have a happy ever after and i vote them"i said pointing at Elena and Stefan "what? so Damon won't try to get her"she says and i gasp "wow...your being a real bitch a lot today"i said angry because i knew it was kinda true and i felt my face chancing but the i seen the guilty look on her face and i just turn around and went back to painting

"whats her problem"Damon asked after popping up out of no where. hope he didn't hear what Caroline said "don't worry about it"Caroline asked "why are you being such a bitch to your mom"he asked "don't worry about it"Care said walked away. i seen her and Damon listening to them "fight". i just shut them out and tried to focus on my breathing. "hey you okay"i jump and look up and see those beautiful blue eyes "y-yeah i'm good"i said and he gives me a look"i promise you, Damon i'm fine"i said and walked away going to find Elena and Caroline


I sat with my sister by the water when Caroline walked up and sat next to us. "you okay?"she asks Elena "nope"Elena says "maybe it's for the best. "Caroline says "it's not for the best Caroline! none of this is for the best. "Elena says and sighs and she intertwined our hands "i'm sorry, okay? i...i don't mean to take it out on you. you're just being a good friend"Elena says "no i'm not. i'm not being a good friend at all"she says "i could've told you that"i said and she looks at me then she looks up. "is she leaving? where's my mom going?"Caroline asks then leave and me and Elena get up and follow her.

"what's going on?"i asked when we finally got to her "i don't know. somethings up."Caroline said and we watch her mother walk away


"where are you guys going? what's going on?"Elena asks while Me and Caroline walk on top of a hill. "we need to be able to hear better"i said "hear what?"Elena asked "somethings wrong Elena "Care says and i close my eyes and listen. "Ell--" "sh sh"i say and i hear kids play people hammering nails then i hear Damon. "don't look so surprised. you knew this was inevitable. go ahead, run. i'll give you a head start"he says then i hear gun shot which scared me and made me open my eyes "oh god'i said "what is it?"Elena asked "Stefan and Damon"Care said and we begin to walk the towards where they were. "what?"Elena ask shocked and followed us.

we stop running when i smelled blood. "what is it"Elena says "they've been here"Care takes the words right out my mouth. i kneel down near a plant "what"Elena ask and i show her the blood then we heard foot steps. "what are you three doing here?"Mason asked and i stand up. "have you seen Stefan"Elena asked "and Damon"i said. she might not care about him but i do. "yeah, Elena, i seen him. i've seen Damon too, Ellie. "he says "well, where are they?"Elena asked "you don't need me for that. i'll let your friend and sister sniff them out. does your mother know what you are? i'm happy to tell her."he says and me and Caroline was about to attack him but he grabs Elena

"don't be stupid. necks snap easy around here. "he says "we can take you"Care said "want to bet"he asked "yeah i do"i said and Caroline pushes Elena out the way while i grabbed Mason by his neck and push him to a tree. "told ya"i said and pushed him to Care , who kneed him and kicked him into another tree. "come on"Caroline said and held my hand while all three of us run away.

we got to the Lockwood seller and heard Liz "he's not gonna tell us anything. kill them both"she says and my eyes widen. "Caroline, Ellie. guys what is it"she asked "my mom. she's killing them"she says "what?"Elena asks in shock and begins to go down there but Care stops her. "no, no, no, Elena, no. "Care says "we have to stop her"Elena says and i agree "no, i can't . Elena she's gonna find out about me"she says but Elena runs down there and i look at Caroline

"Caroline please. Damon is down there and i care about him"i begged and she nods and we go in there. i speed and close the door which gets there attention." what was that?"one of the officers asked "who else is with you"Liz asked Elena "what the-" Caroline run to him take his gun out of his hand then bite into his neck and the other cop shoot at her and she shield herself with his body. then i knocked the man out. "hi mom"Caroline says and i walk over to Damon and caress his cheek "are you okay"i asked and he holds my wrist and nod "yeah"he say and i smile.

Damon was drinking the dead mans blood and Elena was sitting with Stefan. Liz was in the corner and me and Caroline were sitting on the stairs. i was holding her hand knowing she's freaking out about Liz finding out about her. "you need to drink some deputy blood."Damon said to Stefan. "oh, no. i'll be fine. it's just gonna take a bit longer."he says "Damon's right, you know. if there's ever a time to break your diet-" "he said he didn't want it, okay"Elena interrupts Caroline and Care just nods and holds my hand tighter.

"this is the most unfortunate situation. two deputies dead. and you. what am i going to do with you?"Damon asked"you won't tell anyone, will you? mom? mom? please! look i know that we don't get along and that you hate me, but i'm your daughter. and you'll do this for me, right? mom, please. he will kill you"she say and i look at Damon, he faced me and it was like i knew that he wasn't gonna kill her. "then kill me. "Liz says "no"Care said and i rub her arm. "i can't take this. kill me now"she says and i hold Caroline back when Damon walked closer to Liz

"but you were going to drag it out so painfully. "he says and grabs her "no, no, no, no!"Caroline begs and i just hold her. i know he's not gonna do but does he have to be this dramatic? "Damon don't"Stefan said "Damon please "Elena shouts "relax guys no ones killing anybody. your my friend"he says and i smiled a little. "we got to clean this up"i said

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