Bad Moon Rising

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{ Episode Three }

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{ Episode Three }

"Thanks for coming Ric"Stefan said and i turn to Elena "our history teacher knows too"i whisper to Elena in shock and she nods. "you need something to drink? coffee? bourbon? bourbon in your coffee?"Damon asks him "Elena mentioned you needed my help"Ric says "yeah. we were hoping you could help shed some light on the Lockwood family. "Stefan said and i look at them confused. what do they want with Tyler "now why would i know anything about the Lockwoods?"Ric asked "well you wouldn't. but your dead-not dead wife might."Damon said "Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together"Elena says "you said that she had spent years researching this town."Stefan says "Isobel's research here-- mystic falls--was rooted in folklore and legend. at the time i thought most of which was fiction. "he said "same here dude"i said and Elena nudges me

"like that amazing vampire story"Damon sassed "aside from vampires, what else?"Elena asks "Lycanthrope. "Ric says "wait. like werewolves "i asked "no way. impossible. way too lon chaney. "Damon said "is it"Stefan and i asked and he glared at both of us. "i've been on this planet 160-some odd years and i've never came across one"he says "first time for everything"i said and he looks at me for a while before looking a Ric "if werewolves exits, where the hell are they? "Damon asked "well why do you suspect the Lockwood?"Ric says "i also want that answer"i said

"because vervain didn't effect him at the mayor on founders day but the Gilbert device did."Damon said "and it effected Tyler..his son"i sighed because i really don't want Tyler to be a werewolf. "and at the school carnival his uncle mason exhibited inhuman behavior when he fought one of the carnival workers

"Stefan says and i looked down at my hands feeling the guilt then Elena held my hand. "It suggested some sort of a supernatural entity. "Stefan says "we were hoping Isobel research could help us figure out what it is."Elena says "well all her things are still at Duke. i mean her office is still there. she's technically still missing"Ric says "so can we get access to it? Ric , we need to know what we're dealing with. if this wolfman thing is true, i've seen enough movies to know it's not good"Damon asked "okay he's got a point"i said "it means that Mason Lockwood is a real-life Lon Chaney and that little Tyler punk may just very well be Lon Chaney Jr which means --Bela Lugosi-- meaning me-- is totally screwed "Damon said


"Caroline i'm stuck in the house too, which really isn't my but my Sister boyfriend's house that has a brother living here--and might i add he tries to Stake me while i cried"i rant in one breathe. "oh boo hoo Ellie! Matt finally told me he loved me and he also came over today but i couldn't see him because the sun was blocking my way soo i had to sit there as he knocked on my door calling my name!"she rants in one breathe ".....DAMON TRIED TO KILL ME WHILE I CRIED!"


i sat in Stefan's bed with Bonnie and Stefan, she was gonna give me a daylight ring. "so i have to wear this necklace for the rest of my life"i asked and Stefan nods "yes, unless you want to burn to death...again"he says and i playfully glare at him "that was cold Stef real cold"i said and he chuckles "but seriously , can i pick another one"i asked and Bonnie rolls her eyes "if you don't want it-" "no, no i want. i was just asking"i said "but before we start, i have rules. the witch who spells the ring has the power to de-spell it. so if you do any thing-" "yeah yeah i know Caroline told me, i won't hurt anybody. do the spell"i said rolling my eyes and Stefan nudged me

"put the ring on the bed"she said and i did as told. "Caroline didn't mean to kill your little by the way"i said "he's still dead"she says "you really wish Caroline to have stayed dead then to be a vampire don't you"i asked and she just glared and then did the spell. "it's done"she says and i put it on. "thank you"i said and she nods and walks out.

"maybe don't insult the girl that can set you on fire"Stefan says with a laugh and i join him "at least i can say i went out with style"

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"maybe don't insult the girl that can set you on fire"Stefan says with a laugh and i join him "at least i can say i went out with style"

~no ones pov~

"Road trips work well for us"Damon smirk as he follow Elena to her door. "this doesn't mean that thing are back to way they use to be, Damon. "Elena said "oh, come on. i know i chipped a little bit off of you wall of hatred "Damon said. not that Elena or Damon noticed but Ellie had woken up and now stood by her window listening. "i need to know the truth. when you broke Jeremy neck did you know that he was wearing the ring?"Elena asked and Damon huffed "no. no, i didn't. Katherine really pissed me off. and i snapped. and...i got luck with the ring. and i don't know what i would've done if he wasn't wearing it. Elena i'm sorry"Damon said and he really meant it, he was hurt because she didn't love him ,just like Katherine.

"thank you for being honest with me. and the answer to your question about our yes. you have lost me forever. "Elena said and that really hit him. "but you knew that already, didn't you? you used me today."he said "you had information about Katherine that i needed to know"Elena said "i thought friends don't manipulate friends"Damon said and Elena didn't say anything know what he said was true "you and Katherine have a lot more in common than just looks" Damon said and walked away leaving a guilty Elena standing outside her house.

Ellie however grabbed her jacket and speeds out to catch up with Damon. "Damon wait up"she shouts and he groans and turns around. "what do you want because if you gonna--" "i'm not gonna lecture you. i just wanted to know if you wanted a little company after...that"she says which surprised him "yeah, sure whatever"he said and they start walking. they didn't talk at all they stayed in peacefully silence till Ellie broke it "why do you keep trying"she asked and he glances at her "what do you mean"he asked "why do you keep trying to get the women that only want your brother"she asked and he stopped and stood in front of her which made her stop in her tracts. "I'm just saying that wouldn't it be nice to meet some new who like you and only you? someone that chooses you first"sh said and he thought for a few seconds not looking anywhere but her eyes

"when i was with Katherine she made me believe that she loved me more and that she choose me first and Elena...well i don't know what i'm doing there also meaning i have a type for girls who break my heart "he said and began to walk again. "well maybe you should change that"she said walking beside him "yeah maybe"he mutters "you know what?"she asked "what. you want to be the first girl in history to choose me?"he joked and she nodded "fine then i'll just have to be the first girl in history to choose you and only. meaning we are official best friends till we die.."she said and he chuckles and shakes his head "oh! and no trying to kill me with i'm emotionally unstable and can not fend for myself"she said pointing her finger at him. he looked into those honey brown eyes and something in him couldn't resist say yes to her, saying yes to her being in his life. "okay, okay i promise "he said holding his hands up and she smile and they talked to whole way to his house and it was a great way to end the night.

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