The Last Dance

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{ Episode Eighteen }

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{ Episode Eighteen }

"Elena, Ellie"Alaric called out "what is it"Elena and i asked "he has Jeremy."he said "what?"all three of us says "yeah, Klaus has Jeremy. come on"he said and we follow him "where are you taking us?"Elena asked "just a little further "he said "wait. somethings not right"i said and take both Bonnie and Elena hand. "where's Jeremy?"Bonnie asked and he starts to laugh "i just had to get away from that dance. sixties uchh. not my decade. i mean who call was that anyway? i much prefer the twenties. the style, the parties, the jazz. "Ric said "Alaric. are you on vervain?"Elena asked

"now why would you ask me that question, Elena? "he said "oh no"i said "he's being compelled"Elena said "no. nope i-i don't think so"i said "nope. try again"he said "what's going on"Bonnie asked "okay. i'll give you a hunt. i am not Alaric"he said "oh god"i said "Klaus"Elena said "surprise!"he said "no, that's not possible."she said "just relax Elena. i'm not here to hurt you. you either sunflower"he said and i narrow my eyes. why does that name sound so familiar.

"your not on my hit list tonight. you are"he said to Bonnie and went to attack her but she threw him back into the lockers. he chuckles and tells her to hit him harder and she does knocking him down the hall. "by all away. you kill this body, i'll just get a new one. maybe Jeremy"he said "go. run"Bonnie said and all of us take off. "what happened"Damon said and i ran into his arms "Klaus is in Alaric's body"Elena said "what?"he asked holding me "he's like possessing him or something"i said

"go find Stefan. now"he said "what- i'm not leaving you "i said and he grabs my face in his hands "i need you to go get Stefan while me and Bonnie find away to stop him, okay"he said and i nod "okay"i said and he kiss me "i love you"he said "i love you too"i said and me and Elena run to find Stefan


"there you are"Damon said "what are you doing?"i asked "where's Bonnie"Elena asked "she's doing what she has to"he said "what?"Elena asked "where is she?"Stefan asked "Stefan let her do this."Damon said "damn it, Damon, where is she?!"i shout. we run passed him and we find Bonnie and her noise was bleeding and papers were flying everywhere. "Bonnie, No!"we scream and she shuts the doors. then the lights start to blow out and thing start to break while we bang on the door. she looks at us before she falls down and every thing stops "NO!"i scream

"Bonnie. Bonnie"Elena said and tries to shake Bonnie. "Stefan she's not breathing"i cried "Stefan i can't find a pulse!"Elena cried and i hold Bonnie "Stefan. do something!"i said "it's too late"he said and i cry harder "Stefan, get Elena and Ellie out of here. i'll deal with the body "i look up and see Damon. i let go of Bonnie and i walk to him and punch him in the face. "Ellie. come on."Stefan said pulling me back and i cried harder "what do you mean deal with it?"Elena asked "the sheriff can't know about this. last thing we need is a mystery death"Damon said "this is Bonnie!"Elena yells at him

"get them home now"he said and i pull away from Stefan and speed out


After Damon telling us that Bonnie was okay and that her dying was apart of the plain, Elena i went to see her but i left before Elena so now i'm sitting in the living room in front of the fire. "look. Klaus had to think she was dead. your reaction had to be real. "he said and sits next to me. i didn't look at him "i understand why you did what you did. Klaus was fooled and Bonnie is alive. "i said "here's to duplicity."he said "but you have to understand that i don't know how to handle death. i'm still trying to handle my own. and the thought of someone i love the way Bonnie "died" tonight rips me apart Damon. i will not let Bonnie die for me"i said now looking at

he sighs and turns his body towards me. "we need to kill Klaus Ellie. real Klaus. who will probably be coming to pay you a visit soon now that he know that Bonnie is dead. she's the only one that can do it. "he said "then we'll find another way"i said "i hope so"he says "look i shouldn't have hit you..even if you deserved it"i said and he smirked "apology accepted."he said and i nod "let me be clear about something. if it comes down to you and the witch again, i will gladly let Bonnie die. "he said and i sigh "i will always choose you. no matter how much you don't believe it"he said and i lean in and kiss him

 no matter how much you don't believe it"he said and i lean in and kiss him

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"i believe you"i whisper against his lips "good. "he said and smashed his lips on mines and well you know how the rest of the night went

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