The Break

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"Need any help?" I asked.

Tim jumped at the sound of my voice and looked up from his suitcase to give me a smile.

"Nah, I'm good. All I need is some clothes, my toothbrush, toothpaste, you know. Stuff like that."

I nodded, hesitated a second, then walked back to my room, not knowing what else to say.

It was the last day of school. Well, we only had classes for half the time we usually did because students needed time to pack. 

Most people only needed maybe twenty minutes to pack, but they were giving us the whole last half of the day. I guess it was for those girls that decided to bring their whole closet to school. 

I mean, sure, bring a decent amount of clothes, but don't- Whatever. it doesn't actually matter. 

Tim was going home for the break and I wasn't. 

I'd have to spend Christmas and New Years stuck in this cramped dorm without even Lin for company.

Jesus Crist.

I never thought I'd miss Lin, but there I was. Sitting on my bed in my dorm, thinking about how shitty that year was going to be without anyone there. 

"You good?"

"Oh, yeah!" I responded. Too much passion. Goddamnit.

Tim was standing in the doorway. I hadn't heard him walk to my room. I took a second to look him up and down.

He was wearing a dark denim jacket over a bright red shirt and black trousers. He had on a pair of black convers that were obviously quite old.

His hair was thoroughly brushed, for once.

"You sure?" He asked, clearly concerned. Was I that bad at hiding my emotions? Or did he just know me too well? Both were undesirable.

"I just- I'm not looking forward to the break, that's all. This is the first time I've had to be here without Lin..."

"Seb! Why didn't you- I feel bad for looking forward to going home now!" He laughed, then stopped himself. "Well, I'm excited for time off school. I can go another few months without seeing my family- Oh. Sorry. I'm not good at this. Cheering people up, I mean."

My turn to laugh.

"It's okay. I bet your family's awesome." I said, giving Tim a smile.

We sat there quietly for a moment until Tim's whole face lit up and he said excitedly, "Would you like to meet them? My mum would be more than happy to let you come over if I asked, believe me. I'm not kidding. It'd be really fun if you came over! You could spend Christmas with us..." He trailed off.

"Wait, Christmas? You're talking about letting me stay the whole break? We've known each other for four months and you're willing to invite me over to stay at your home for two weeks?" I asked, skeptical.

"Why not?" Tim asked, grinning ear to ear. "Would you like to?"

I was flustered and didn't know what to say. I mean, the idea was appealing, but I didn't want to sound greedy, even though Tim invited me. Plus, social anxiety.

I finally just nodded at Tim.

                                               -Half an hour later-

I clicked my suitcase shut. There was barely anything in it, but I'd rushed to fill it. 

Tim was still on the phone with his mother, who had agreed to let me stay over with no questions. 

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