Our Dorm

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Tim's POV

Oh, god. Sebastian Brooke. That was my dormmate. The kid from before. Crap.

I was standing outside the door to the dorm room for a whole minute wondering if I should go in. It was my dorm; I had a right to be here. But I didn't really want to end up in a conversation with Sebastian.

I decided to walk in. The room was small, but comfortable. The walls were a clean white with a big painting hanging on one side. But what caught my eye was the tall lean figure passed out on the bed to the right. Sebastian's curly hair, the colour of dark chocolate was spread around his face like a dark halo.

His eyes were closed, their outlandish colour hidden behind long dark lashes that lightly brushed against his high cheekbones.

I walked over to him, and lightly tapped his shoulder. He immediately jolted upward, his eyes flying open. I jumped back, throwing my hands up in surrender.

"Why the hell are you here?" Sebastian shouted.

"I- This is my dorm."

"Did Lin put you up to this? Hm? If he did, then fuck off and tell him to mind his own business!" Sebastian looked more annoyed at the thought that Lin, whoever that was, had sent me than the fact that I'd woken him up.

"I don't know anyone named Lin. My name is Tim- Timothy Nunez. This is my dorm..."

"You're Timothy Nunez? Sure. Sure, you are." Sebastian scoffed dismissively.

"No, seriously. I'm Tim. Uh, nice to meet you." I tried for a welcoming smile.

"I doubt that highly," He said, turning to look out the window. My smile faltered. This boy was really starting to annoy me. "but if you're telling the truth, then put your stuff in the corner and don't say another word for the next year."

"I- what?"

I could tell Sebastian didn't like me much before, but this was just plain harsh. I mean, I'd just walked in the door and he was telling me to shut up?

"I don't like people." That was his only response before he got up and walked out of the room, mumbling under his breath.

He'd made it clear he wasn't coming back any time soon, so I took out my phone and tried texting my best friend, Harper.

Harper and I had been friends for years -even though my dad didn't approve of my best friend being a girl- and I'd promised her I'd text or call every day I was away at boarding school.

Harper was short, but insisted on saying she was the tallest in her grade, all through school. She had raven black hair, brown eyes, and her skin was covered in little constellations made of light brown freckles. She wore round glasses that I'd joke made her look like Harry Potter. She was smart and had applied to Harrow with me. She hadn't gotten in. I'd been ready to stay back, go to high school with her, but she insisted I take this opportunity. I knew she was right, but what really convinced me was the thought of my dad hitting me because I'd 'thrown my life away.'

T1MSTER: Hey, Harp. U on?

I waited a minute for the little dot by her profile picture to turn from red to green.

Treble_Harp: Yeah... I miss u already! This SUCKS!

T1MSTER: No kidding. My dormmate hates me.

                      Hates the world, really.

                      Campus is nice though.

Treble_Harp: Well, that's good at least.

                              K, uh... I gtg... sorry. Text tmrw?

T1MSTER: Yeah. See you, Harp.

I was a bit sad, watching Harp go, seeing as my only other companion wanted nothing to do with anything. Harper probably had gotten a new boyfriend or was at a party in someone's basement. She was like that. Always part of the narrative. She would often try to get me to come to her revels, but I'd never had the guts to skip a night of homework or essays. Now I'll never get to go to a party with her again. Just because we don't go to the same school, doesn't mean we can't still see each other, I told myself. I knew it was just wishful thinking though. I'd just moved to London, for god's sake! She was all the way back in Alberta. We might still be able to meet up, but it was unlikely.

At least I've got Sebastian! And what a curse that is. 

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