New Years

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Hey, sorry for the like, month-late update! Stuff's been happening.

Also, This chapter was co-written by @philshouseplant16 and myself! Go check out @philshouseplant16.She works super hard on her books and is an amazing writer! 


(New Years)

I stared down in disgust at the serving of mush on my plate. I nudged it slightly with my fork. "Umm, what's this?" I whispered to Tim, who was sitting next to me at the dinner table.

"They're black-eyed peas. It's sort of a tradition. It's supposed to bring good luck for the new year." He rolled his eyes.

"Tim!" His mum scolded. "Eat your peas, they're good for you."

"They're gross, Mum!" Scar cried, sliding her peas around with a fork, a frown forming on her small features.

I snorted into my peas. "Surely, they can't be all that bad."

"Of course they aren't bad. They're good for you." Tim's mum sighed.

As a show of goodwill, I ventured a bite. They were disgusting, but I didn't want to hurt Tim's mum's feelings any more than they were already. Scar had no such morals.

"Oh my god! What are these? Mum!" Scar whined.

"They aren't that bad." I lied. "Right, Tim?" I nudged him under the table.

"Ow!" He yelped. "I mean, yes! Yummy!" He shoveled a spoonful into his mouth. "Really good, Mum."

"Thank you, Tim." She nodded, as if pleased with his blatant lie.

"Liar," Scar muttered under her breath. "They don't even have a flavour." She complained.

Tim shot her a look.

"Then how can they be disgusting?" I asked, chuckling.

"They just are!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

I raised an eyebrow at her. She scowled and went back to poking her peas with the prongs of her fork.

Tim shook his head. "That doesn't even make any sense."

"You all need to hurry up with your food, the fireworks will be starting soon." Tim's mum smiled at the bickering siblings.

"It's only, like, six o'clock." Scar muttered.

I glanced out the window opposite of me. The sky was slowly starting to darken, with slight streaks of orange lacing the horizon. It was beautiful now, but Tim had been telling me about the fireworks that would light up the night. I had never really had an interest in them before, but maybe being with a friend would be different.

All the other New Year's I have had were solitary experiences. Of course, my brother had always tried to drag me from my room, but I was pretty good at avoiding him. I wondered what Lin and Grace were up to then. Maybe they were sitting at the table together. Holding hands and all that mushy shit, probably eating something much better than the gross black-eyed peas.

"Seb?" Tim was looking at me expectantly.

Damn it, he must have asked me something.

"Uh," I stammered. "Yes? I agree. Completely."

His face lit up with a smile. "Great! They'll be starting soon, we should clean up from dinner." He rose from his seat, starting to collect the plates.

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