Sebastian Brooke

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                                 The story will now start to switch povs.                                            

Sebastian's POV

The nerve of some people! The idiot blond kid had just stared at me for a full minute as if I were some experiment to be studied. What was odd was, I'd been used to it. There were literally kids who thought my name was 'Freak.' No joke. But this kid just ticked me off. Maybe because he was new and was already treating me like an unknown creature? I'd been going to Harrow for the last two years; this was obviously his first day.

I watched as the short blond kid with the boring brown eyes quickly turned and stumbled back into the mass of students outside. He was accidently pushed down to the ground by some taller kids who didn't even seem to notice the kid had fallen. Blondie wouldn't survive a week here.

I chuckled and stalked off to get my books, a map of the school, my schedule, et cetera, et cetera. I could already tell this year was going to Suck. With a capital S. I was going to have to stick with it, though. Usually I would just skip a bunch of classes, then eventually change schools, and repeat. I used to get detention every day, and all the teachers hated me. I would always be the kid you find smoking at the back of the school when they're meant to be in English. Thing is, I never fit into any stereotypes. There was the delinquent kid that does drugs, smokes, and skips class, which, unfortunately, at the time, I did all those things.

Then there was the nerd, the kid that's always in a library or classroom, studying. I was a mixture of both. At the time, I smoked, skipped, did drugs, but a lot of the time, I would skip school for the sole reason of breaking into the science lab to do experiments and play around with chemicals. I would never miss a science class, and despite my only showing up to the other classes once every week or so, I would always get the highest grades. The school did catch me smoking once, but they couldn't afford to expel the smartest kid in the school, -in the whole school district, really- I kept their status up. The school knew I was smart, but I was always still Sebastian Brooke, the freak whose brain doesn't work right.

I'd received all my information, including my classes, teachers, dormmate- oh god. Oh, god, a dormmate.

Mr. Brooke, below is the name of your assigned dormmate. You may apply to switch dormmates if this arrangement is unacceptable.

Name of dormmate: Timothy Nunez.

Your room number is 503.

Great. I'd been too lazy to immediately get a place somewhere off campus, so my brother had 'taken care of it.' God, I was going to kill Lin.

Lincoln Brooke, my older brother was the closest thing I had to a father figure my whole life, even as a child. Not a very good one, mind you, but still. Our parents had died in a car crash when I was ten. That was five years ago. Lin was two years older than me. We never got along that well, but –now, take this in because I will never say this again- I did care about him. I'd trusted him with figuring out my living accommodations. Obviously, I shouldn't have. A dorm was the last thing I wanted! More human contact. Does wonders for social anxiety.

Well, Lin was head boy, at least he'd have used that to get me someone reasonably intelligent to room with. Hopefully. It was a long shot, though. My last dormmate had almost burned the building down by throwing a lighter onto his bed. He hadn't noticed the fire or smoke, or the smell of burning fabric because he was too busy live-streaming Fortnite on his laptop, and it was the stream that kindly informed him he was burning our room down. Long story short: He was an idiot. He got expelled and I got to have a dorm to myself for a month, seeing as there was only a month left of school at the time. It was pure bliss.

I decided to go check out my dorm. I had the whole day to spare, since we don't have classes on the first day.

Floor five...500...501...502...503. Room 503.

I lightly pushed on the wooden door into the cramped dorm room. Thank god, no-one was inside.

I flung my bag onto one of the beds, then followed it. I let my eyes close and I drifted off to sleep.  

So, you've met the main characters. Do you like them? Yes, they're quite different, and Sebastian is kinda intense... but I'm happy with them. You guys like them too?

Thanks for reading!

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