Tim's Place + Christmas

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First, sorry! 

My laptop was bugged or something. I don't know. It wasn't publishing the chapter. I sent out the notif and everything and the thing didn't even post lol. Sorry for bothering you all!


December 19th (The day after)

I was actually having fun at Tim's. His mother was quite kind and his sister was really great to be around. They were an actual family. 

His mum seemed to like me well enough. She probably thought I was a bit odd, but, you know, I sort of was. Scar already loved me like family within the first day, even though we'd never had a real conversation. Mostly because the girl didn't give me a chance to speak. I wasn't complaining, though. She was sweet.

I honestly hadn't done much other than play video games with Tim on his PC and listen to Scar chatter in my ear the whole fucking day. Tim's mother, whose name was Abigail, had made pancakes the first morning. I could tell from the surprise on Tim and Scar's faces that it was only because they had a guest over.  Scar had six whole pancakes. 

Who can eat six whole fucking pancakes and stay sixty pounds, anyway?! Apparently the slight blonde girl I was going to be living with for the next thirteen days, six hours, twenty-three minutes.

The funny thing is, I was really looking forward to it.


December 23rd  (5 days after the last day of school)

Seb had been there almost a week. Scar hadn't left him alone for a second. He didn't seem annoyed, though. I guess he had a lot more patience than he let on. I mean, I'd lived with Scar for the last five years and I completely believed she was the most annoying person to ever walk the earth. I guess everyone thinks that about their little siblings.

Not much has happened the past few days. I mean, more happened than usual because my Mum was trying to entertain Seb.

My Dad had already left to go spend Christmas with his brother. Can't say I wasn't happy.

Seb seemed to be fitting in pretty well. My Mum really liked him. I made a mental note never to mention what we did at the pond. Could ruin Seb's rep with Mum. Not could, would.

Scar had been questioning Seb the whole time he was staying with us. Mum had tried to get her to shut up, but Seb would just respond with something like, 'Nah, it's okay. Scar, want to tell me about school?' 

I never thought he could be a genuinely nice person.



December 25th (Christmas)

I was shaken awake by small hands and a loud high pitched voice yelling in my ear at six in the morning on the one day I was hoping to sleep in.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas! Get up! Seb!" 

"What the fu- u- udge, Scar." I grumbled, realizing that I should probably try to censor myself for the ten-year-old.

"It's Christmas! We have to open presents! Tim and Mum are already up. I woke them up. Tim said we couldn't open gifts 'till you were awake, so I woke you up too. Tim said not to wake you up because apparently it's 'really early', but I didn't listen. Are you mad?" Scar asked, suddenly nervous.

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