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Link poked his head out from behind the tree slowly, still holding on to Zelda. He noticed what he had thought was a deactivated Guardian flashing magenta. He sighed and let go of Zelda, spinning her around and pressing her up against the tree. Zelda tried not to blush. Link looked at her with serious sapphire eyes; but the eyes slowly softened, a playful glow lingering inside them. He smirked and Zelda raised a brow. He had a mischievous plan, and Zelda felt that it wasn't the time for that. She wanted to talk, but Link brought a finger to her lips.

"This is gonna get a little wild! Be right back," Link said under his breath, grinning goofily. Zelda shook her head, trying to give him a look that let him know he was being stupid. He began to sprint towards the Guardian, but Zelda heard his boots skid on the grass and he reappeared in front of her.

"If anything happens, I-" Link stopped and scrunched his brows. He looked like he wanted to say something. Zelda looked at him curiously and took a step toward him. He held up a hand, stopping her. "You know what? Nothing will happen. I'll be fine. Just ask Teba and Sidon about it if I die or something." Then he sprinted away again. Zelda beamed. Lately, Link had been treating her more like a friend, rather than his superior. And she loved that. Because at this point, Link was her only real friend. She peeked around the tree to see Link on top of the Guardian's head, spinning around in sync with it as it looked around for him. Zelda covered her mouth, holding back a laugh and Link grinned dorkily at her. He jumped down and sliced it in the eye, pulling out his bow and arrow and shooting it repeatedly. Suddenly, the dirt beneath the Guardian began to shift. Link's eyes widened and Zelda's face became fearful. The legs of the Guardian rose from beneath the ground. Now, this was going to get serious.

Link realized he wasn't prepared for the attack and that he was now under protected- not to mention the Princess, soon to be Queen of Hyrule was shouting in panic from afar, bound to catch the Guardian's attention soon. Link sheathed his sword and sprinted towards the Princess while the Guardian was not looking, still caught off guard by the attack to its eye. Link took Zelda's hand and she placed her other hand on top of his.

"Link, are you okay?! We need to get you back to the stable-!" Zelda started before Link cut her off.

"No... other way around. I'm fine, this used to happen all the time when I was on my way to rescue you. I'm not hurt. You need to get back to the stable. Best case scenario, we get back together," Link said, smiling warmly, knowing how fast the Guardian would be running around on 6 legs. Even if he was used to it, getting attacked still- well, wasn't fun. The Guardian turned its head and began running towards the Princess and her Knight. At this point, Zelda was nearly dragging Link down the path towards the stable. Link tried to keep the mood lightened. "How the tables have turned, right?" He joked, picturing the night of the Calamity where he was running with Zelda.

"Link! Not now!" Zelda said, furrowing a brow at him, yet still holding back a smile. Even in the direst situations, Link always made her laugh. She suddenly heard a crashing pew sound and felt a wave of heat rush past her. She shut her eyes for a moment and opened them to see a blue laser barreling towards a tree. The tree caught fire and fell. The Guardian was right on their heels. "It won't follow us all the way there!" Zelda said, out of breath.

The two had been sprinting for more than they were most likely supposed to, with Link holding up his shield and running backward, and Zelda not used to this type of running and battling thing. But soon enough, the stable was only yards away. Zelda gritted her teeth as she used her last bit of energy to run up to the stable and dash inside, she and Link collapsing on the bed, side by side. They gasped for breath and the stable people stared in shock at the battered duo. Link chuckled under his breath. Zelda looked at him, mouth open, in awe of his carelessness.

"What a rush," Link laughed dorkily and Zelda was soon laughing with him. She clutched her stomach and bent her legs, and accidentally let out a snort. She covered her mouth and blushed, which only made Link laugh harder. Finally, stable people processed the situation and rushed to Link's aid. Link rolled his eyes and prepared himself for the procedure he usually received when he was around people after being chased. He held up his arms as people removed his shirt and investigated for wounds. Zelda awkwardly looked away.

They talked amongst themselves, and a teen girl with copper hair even caressed his abs, with Link giving her a smack on the hand and a look that advised her to stop. Suddenly, Teba, Sidon, and Riju pushed through the crowd and ushered everyone to back down. 

"For the love of Hylia, he's fine!" Teba said, giving them all a look that implied they were idiots.

"No bleeding wounds are visible, clearly, so if he's the Hero of Time, I'm sure he can handle a wound that's not even bleeding!" Riju exclaimed, one hand on her hip.

"As a Zora, I will have you know that even with my flubber and extremely high tolerance to pain, Link is still tougher than me. So back off, you perverted low-life!" Sidon said, pointing at the blushing teen girl accusingly. Link smiled.

"Thank you, guys," he said, nodding before Sidon dragged Teba and Riju away to allow him and Zelda to have their moment. Link pulled his shirt back over his head and Zelda raised a brow. Link quickly changed the subject. "So, you resisted, eh?"

"Pardon me?"

"You didn't look at me shirtless?"

"Why would I?!"

"Zel, you stubborn, oblivious, little Princess!" He said, laughing and rubbing his face with one hand. But Zelda was not oblivious, just waiting for the right moment. And sitting there, in a stable, in front of dozens, after nearly getting injured, was not the right moment.

"I would consider that adjective choice valid... but let's talk about you for a change! You're too courageous, too daring, risky, careless, and frankly a little cocky! I mean, back there you became so confident in yourself after saving me so many times that you were willing to die!"

"Haven't you understood this yet, Zel? I would die for you, come back to life and do it all over again if it means you're safe. Okay?! Is that in your stubborn little head?!" Link said, knocking on his forehead mockingly. Zelda blushed and looked away and Link sighed, smiling. Link tipped her chin toward his face. "Hey, I'm serious." He said, blue eyes sympathetic.

"B-but why?!"

"What do you mean why?"

"Why would you risk your life for me?! I was awful to you, and after all of that, you're still willing to die for me! It's not worth it Link! I'm not worth it!" She said, suddenly going on an emotional rampage. Link scooted closer to her and placed a hand on her back.

"What are you talking about?! Zel, you are smart, and beautiful, and I knew you were only acting that way because you were disappointed in yourself. It didn't hurt my feelings, it hurt my heart that you doubted yourself so much!" Link said honestly. Zelda looked up at him, mouth slightly open and her emerald eyes sad. She felt awful- even after treating him so horribly, he still was thinking of others. He was so selfless, so caring...

"Oh, Link!" She exclaimed, and threw her arms around him. Link chuckled and put his arms around her neck, holding her there for a bit before pushing away.

"Hey, let's not get too mushy-gushy here. Not here." Link said, beaming. Even though he was smiling, on the inside, he wanted to cry. Wasn't it obvious to her, that he was so in love with her? Wasn't it obvious? What else could he do to show it? Was she just teasing him? Was this all just some big prank to pull on a stupid knight only to make him feel bad about himself after the Princess was the only one he'd ever opened up to because he was so madly in love with her? What if he had only opened up for the first time to get hurt?! To answer all of his questions, he wasn't going to wait much longer. Link had grown impatient, determined- he wanted to straight forward tell Zelda how he felt- ASAP.

another little emotional talk and ik there's been a lot of them but i personally find them rlly sweet so yeah heheh that will prolly be the last one for now (sorry if its getting repetitive) :)) also, i hope you like the thing i did with the chapter names! i chose a color adjective i used in each chapter at least once and made it the title of the chapters, because i didn't want the titles spoiling too much

have a good day/night! <3

(edit: i hated this chapter so i changed it to where he didn't get hurt, but they were being chased :D)

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