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"And that's why we need you to come along with us to rebuild Hyrule." Zelda finished explaining their plan to Teba. She had decided to take over the talking after Link tried to explain the situation with a lot of "dude"s and stuttering. So Zelda had stepped in front of him and took charge. The group looked at Teba in suspense.

"Your highness, forgive me, but I have a wife and children-"

"No harm will come to you, Teba. We assured Sidon of this too. The closest thing to danger will be Bokoblins, and I'm sure you're strong enough to fend them off." Zelda begged, her hands together. Link looked at her sadly. He knew this would happen.


"Really?!" Sidon, Link, and Zelda chorused, Link sounding surprised and the other two sounding happy.

"On one condition! If no harm comes to my family, and if any harm comes to me I want the ones to tell them to be you three. And only you three, do you understand?!" Teba said, raising his voice and shaking a wing at them. They all nodded. "Well, what are you all doing?! Let's get a move on!" Teba grabbed a drawstring leather bag and walked out of the training cabin. Link and Zelda looked at each other, shrugged, and grinned as they all followed Teba down the stairs.


To Link's surprise, Teba almost had no hesitation leaving Rito Village and going with them. With a quick goodbye to his family, he found a horse at a nearby stable and they were on their way to Gerudo Town. At sunset, they were nearing the Great Plateau, and planned to get around it and get to Gerudo Town, but it was getting dark and there were no stables or villages nearby.

"Halt!" Link stopped the horses and turned to talk to his yawning friends. "We should probably stop here and rest for the night. I have a blanket in my inventory, and we can cut down some nearby trees for a tree branch, a fire and then we have our completed camp." Link proposed. Sidon and Teba nodded and pulled their horses over to the side of the road. Link set up the tent while Sidon and Teba discussed the differences in weather between Zora's Domain and Rito Village. Zelda was crouched in front of the fire, messing with her hair. She grunted as she blew it out of her face.

"Ugh! Link, could you come over here, please?!" Zelda asked, running her fingers through her hair. Link turned around and walked, his goregous jawline illuminated in the light. Zelda avoided eyeing it as she cleared her throat. Link walked toward her. "Sit behind me, and take these..." Link's eyes widened as he crouched down behind her and she handed him a pair of scissors. 

"W-what for?!" Link asked, a cold sweat forming on his head.

"Well, go on! Cut my hair!"


"Just to about... hmm.. there." Zelda said, reaching behind her and marking a point in the middle of her back. Link took the scissors in his shaky hands, Zelda blushing at his touch on her back as he measured the hair she wanted cut off. He gulped and moved some of her hair, sending a shudder down Zelda's spine. His hands were so shaky they were moving almost uncontrollably. He couldn't mess this up.

"Yes, Princess." Link said in a stuttering voice. He was so nervous that he closed his eyes.


"Since when did it get so breezy-"

"AGH!" Link yelped as he opened his eyes and realized his hands had been so shaky that he had cut it to above her shoulders. Although this new haircut made her look even stronger, even more beautiful, Link had ruined her long, princess-like hair. Zelda laughed heartily as Link panicked. Teba and Sidon laughed from afar.

"It's okay Link! I actually... kind of love it! It's so airy and easy to manage!" Zelda said, stroking it.

"How do I fix it?! Uh..." Link picked up the pile of hair and attempted to stick it back on. Zelda clutched her stomach, laughing hysterically. Link's eyes were the size of Hydromelons. Once he realized that everyone else was laughing it off, he began to laugh with them, clutching his stomach and rolling on the ground. Zelda laid down, tears of laughter spilling out of her.

"...Link is in love with her, right?" Teba asked, wings crossed.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Sidon nodded, magenta fin swaying.



Link listened to Zelda's snores beside him, smiling. Zelda had insisted on sleeping next to Link outside and letting Teba and Sidon take the tent. Link had to stay awake, he had just laid down to ease his back. The light of his seemingly glowing blue eyes began to flicker as his eyelids fluttered. His eyes stung and his body was weak, aching. He was incredibly tired as he yawned. He began to dose off-


Link froze. He sat up rapidly and looked around, his sleepless version blurry. He squinted, trying to find the source of the noise in the pitch black night. Their fire had gone out, and Zelda groaned as she turned over. Link stood up and unsheated his sword, grunting in tire.


Link spun around to see one orange and one blue Bokoblin, one holding a Boko Bat and one weilding nothing, but digging up rocks. Link figured this was easy and backflipped onto the blue Bokoblin's head, slashing it once with the Master Sword. It screamed and Link covered its mouth, wanting to handle this on his own and not wake anyone. But one hit would not kill a blue Bokoblin. He continued to attempt to flurry rush it, but Link did not notice that the orange Bokoblin had gone behind the tent, snorting. The Bokoblin managed to find a Royal Spear in Link's stash of weapons. Link stabbed the blue Bokoblin in the chest, and it let out an ear-piercing, horrible scream. Sidon and Teba sat up, blinking and rubbing their eyes, realizing what was happening.

"Link, look-!" The two in the tent chorused. Link didn't make eye contact with them.

"It's fine guys, I got th-AAHHHH!" Link screamed as a Bokoblin lunged at him with a royal spear, an excellent and very sharp-pointed weapon. Would kill a Hylian in one hit. Teba and Sidon gasped and covered their mouths, not knowing what to do. Link had a small cut on his leg, just barely jumping out of the way. The blood seeped through his pants as he clenched his teeth. The others watched in horror. Link was weak, and could barely move. This cut was very painful and was more inside of his leg rather than on the surface.

The horses neighed and jumped and kicked, the Bokoblin snorted and screamed, Link grunted, Teba and Sidon gasped. With all the commotion, Link wondered how Zelda was not awake. Link laughed at the thought of a Bokoblin ending his own life, after all he'd been through. He stood his ground and accepted the fate he had reached, opening his arms and giving the Bokoblin a challenging smirk. The Bokoblin lunged and the spear sunk into an arm.

An arm.

The spear had not stabbed Link's arm.

It had stabbed Zelda's.

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐑- a zelink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now