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(I HAVE DECIDED TO DO SOMETHING REALLY COOL! LIKE BOTW, BOTH ZELDA AND LINK WILL HAVE MEMORIES OF WHAT HAPPENED 100 YEARS AGO BASED ON THEIR LOCATION! The memories will be italicized, this one is VERY long so just letting you know the others will be shorter than this :))

As Zelda walked towards the Inn, she got a sudden rush of Deja Vu. She flinched and rubbed her eyes, looking at the door of the Inn, as a memory came back to her...

The princess and her knight were outside the Inn, after checking out and requesting that the receptionist wake the other 4 Champions. They waited side by side as Zelda tapped her foot, an impatient look on her face. "What in Hylia is taking them so long?!" As if she had made it happen, they heard a collection of footsteps coming out of the Inn and turned around to see the other Champions walking out, their aqua fabrics glowing in the sun.

"For one, the way that woman woke us up was not only an invasion of privacy, if she had been a little bit more forceful Daruk could've been up at least 10 minutes ago! Simply asinine... the Goron's too big to be woken up with a simple tap on the shoulder!" Revali retorted, gesturing his wings. Almost as big as your ego... Link thought as he rolled his eyes, knowing that Revali was going to be in an arguing mood today.

"I actually found it quite gentle... it certainly woke me up in a good mood," Mipha said gently, fiddling with her necklace. Link awkwardly avoided her eyes as Mipha stared at the space, or lack thereof, between Link and the princess. Link stepped away from Zelda and casually rested his hand on the handle of his sword. Mipha looked at him, a confused, sad, and subtly jealous look in her eyes. Link took interest in a pebble on the ground.

"Revali! It's not my fault I'm a heavy sleeper! My strength also applies to my ability to stay in deep slumber, I will have you know..." Daruk said, picking up a boulder that was blocking a window and crushing it in his hand. Zelda peered around at the arguing Champions and shot Link a this is off to a great start look. 

"Do stop arguing, you childish teenage boys! Sav'otta, Little Bird and Link." Urbosa said respectfully. Suddenly, Link heard footsteps coming from seemingly, everywhere. Nobody was awake yet, if they were they were still in their houses. Link drowned out the arguing and looked around, ready to pounce. The footsteps surrounded them, and Link drew his sword and shield, rapidly trying to find the source of the noise. He finally spotted a rustling in the bushes and grabbed Zelda's hand, gliding in front of her.

"Wha- Link!" Zelda said, but the sound had emerged from the bushes and Link had his shield up, ready to parry and flurry rush. But when Link didn't hear anything, he slowly lowered his shield to see- a child. And other children surrounding the Champions too. Link sighed, rolled his eyes, and put his sword and shield back, still holding Zelda's arm.

"Look, the darkness sealing boyfriend saved the princess!" Revali mocked. Link turned to Revali and stared daggers at him. He had plenty of responses in his head, but sometimes, responses were a sign of weakness. Link would've physically attacked Revali right there, feeling provoked at his comment, but Zelda rubbed his hand reassuringly. Link turned around slowly to face the child.

"Yes?" Zelda said curiously.

"Are you the Champions who are going to save our butts from Ganon?!" One child asked, with pigtails and a pink dress. Zelda turned to face this child.

"Are you guys dating?!" Another asked, and Link's eyes widened and he went crimson. Zelda hadn't heard his question, thank goodness.

"Uh-" Zelda started, but she was cut off.

"They are! Can we get a picture of you?!" Another child held up a Sheikah Slate. Link's eyes widened and Zelda's jaw dropped.

"How- how did you get that?! Only certified people should have that in their possession-!" Zelda was shocked that only a child had gotten his hands on a Sheikah Slate.

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐑- a zelink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now