Savior | Chapter Twenty-Five

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(later in the same day as the last chapter)

Londyn's P.o.V. - 

"Hello?" I said quietly as I joined the vc call Quackity was spamming me to join.

"LONDYN!" Quackity, Karl and George yelled as I joined the game.

"Give me a second." I said as I grabbed my airpods. Tommy elbowed me, I almost elbowed him back but realized what he wanted so I gave him one of the airpods. "Okay, I'm back."

"Where'd you go?" 

"To get my airpods because you guys are loud as fuck." I responded, resting the back of my head against Tommy's chest while he wrapped his arms around me around.

"Language. You swear way too much now." George said.

"Okay, fine, Dad. What do you guys need? I was about to go to bed."

"And cuddle with Tommy again?" Quackity asked, making Karl laugh while George started ranting on about blah blah blah.

"Gogy, shut the fuck up." Tommy spoke up.

Quackity and Karl gasped while George stopped talking.


"Nope, not at all." I said sarcastically.


"Anyways! Okay, Londyn we're playing Jackbox, we're waiting for Sapnap and Dream."

I groaned. "No. You guys just make everything about dicks or pee and poo. You guys are such children."

"You're literally my child!" Dream budded in, finally joining the vc with Sapnap joining soon after.

"And Londyn, you're literally the youngest person on the server." Sapnap added.

"And I'm literally graduating before you." I responded.

"Oooo shit." 

"That was so mean. What the hell? Dream, George, ground your daughter." Sapnap whined.

"Londyn you're grounded." Dream and George said.

Tommy buried his face in my shoulder, stifling his laugh.

"What the fuck? Why? Because I'm smarter than all of you?" I questioned jokingly.

"I'll happily agree with that statement Londyn. Your intelligence scares me sometimes." Quackity chimed in.

"Really? You literally made me take an iq test three weeks ago to see if I was lying!"

"You were. You're iq isn't 185, it's 187." Quackity said.

"Moving on, Dream, Tommy and Londyn are cuddling again."

"They're lying. It's all just a bit." Dream said. "I hope."

"Yeah. Yeah. Totally." I said then muted myself. 

"Check twitter guys." Tommy said, laughing softly. 

"OH MY GOD FINALLY!" Sapnap yelled while Quackity said a prayer for Tommy.

I may or may not of posted a picture of me and Tommy cuddling- oops.

"I'm going to kill you Tommy- in a video game." George said, Dream agreeing.

"You both are popping off though." Karl added.

"Thanks Karl." I laughed then went onto Jackbox.

Tommy's P.o.V. - 

"Guys, shut the fuck up. Londyn fell asleep." I said.

"What the fuck? Go away Tommy. Wake her up, I need content." Quackity said.


"Fucking simp." Dream mumbled.

"Shut the fuck up Dream. You literally have a kid with George." I responded.

"And you're simping for that child." Sapnap said while George complained as always. 

Quackity left to end his stream but we all stayed in the vc.

"On a serious note though, Tommy," Dream started, "if you are actually going to or are in a relationship with her, I will actually murder you if you hurt her in any way."

"Fucking hell, why would I do that?" I said, talking about hurting her.

"I don't know. Just don't do it." 

"Jeez okay, big man."

"I will say, I do actually think the two of you would be good together beyond just a canon bit on the server." Karl chimed in.


"Yeah. I mean, you two even each other out, you know?" 

"How?" I asked.

"You're loud, impulsive and blunt. Londyn is like the complete opposite." Karl explained.

"But somehow in hell, you two are like the same person." George added.

I laughed a little. "Kind of."

"We're also saying this because we know that you actually have feeling for her." Quackity stated.

"What? Who told you guys?"

"We have a group chat called 'LondynInnit' where we all talk about you guys, all good things though." Quackity said.

"What the fuck?" 

"Anyways, goodnight Tommy."


I left the vc and put everything away, still fucking confused.

They're joking right? About the groupchat? 

I laid back down next to Londyn, moving on from what happened and thought about what Tubbo said.

Did she actually like me back?

Now On Twitter 

TommyInnit @tommyinnit
Feelings are fucking confusing

**This tweet has been deleted**

Tommy's p.o.v never hurt anyone right?

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