Savior | Chapter Five

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Karljacobs is now live: I think I have a niece now [Dream SMP]

LondynHatesLife is now live: Karl is my new uncle? [Dream SMP] 

Londyn's P.o.V. - 

"Hi Karl!" I said cheerfully as I joined the call with him.  

"Hi Londyn!" He said with the same cheerful tone I had. "I'm logging into the server right now. How have you been?" 

"Good. You?"


We both laughed then I typed my coords in chat.

 "I'm starting to build my empire that still doesn't have a name. Currently its me, Niki and Technoblade." 

"Oh that's cool, can I join?"


Once Karl got to where I was, we both went onto Pinterest to find ideas for me to build my empire with. 

"I can't make it out of wood because someone would burn it down and I don't want it out of cobblestone."

TommyInnit has joined the game
TommyInnit: TELL ME NOW
TommyInnit: NOW
TommyInnit: NOW

I sighed as Karl laughed. "I told you he never leaves me alone." I put my coords in the chat reluctantly then Tommy joined the vc.

"Londyn!" He cheered.


"Ouch. Why are you building your empire without me? We share a mountain house together!" Tommy complained.

I rolled my eyes, "Tommy I didn't invite you to move in with me. You just did and said it was because you needed more property." 

Karl laughed. Tommy stammered over his words.

"Shut up you stupid american." Tommy said in the end. "Just because your country allows you to have guns doesn't mean shit. You have to pay for health care. And you're just being a bitch right now in general."

Karl gasped, "You did not just say that about my new niece!" 

I let them two argue while I started gathering my supplies. I decided to do a sort of fantasy themed build. I started cutting down trees -replacing them as you should- while Karl and Tommy still argued and apparently Sapnap had joined the game and the vc. Now all three of them were fighting.

TommyInnit was slained by Sapnap

"Saw it coming." I muttered and continued gathering supplies. 

"Do you need help, Londyn?" Karl asked. 

"Sure. Here take this axe and start gathering wood, please replace the saplings afterwards. Um, I'm going to go get stone now."

"I can do that for you." Sapnap said.

"Oh okay, here take this pickaxe. I guess I'll start planning where things are going to go- Tommy what are you doing?" 

I looked at Tommy who had got his stuff back and was placing a bed next to mine. 

"I made you your own room. The beds don't match Tommy, it looks horrid." I grumbled with a sigh. 

"No it doesn't. Look it's red for me and cyan for you."

My face flushed, Sapnap and Karl bursted in a fit laughter while Tommy just stood there staring at me. I couldn't move. My jaw fell agape as it processed fully in my mind. 

"You're strange." I mumbled and walked out of the mountain house. 

Sapnap @sapnap

TommyInnit @tommyinnit
replying to @sapnap

George @GeorgeNotFound
replying to @sapnap

LondYn @LondynHatesLife
replying to @sapnap
No please uncle Sap you're going to get the fans
to make so many videos about us please no

replying to @LondynHatesLife
Wait but the likes!

LondYn @LondynHatesLife
replying to @tommyinnit

TommyInnit @tommyinnit
If this tweet get a million likes I'll ship

LondYn @LondynHatesLife
replying to @tommyinnit

Badboyhalo @SaintsofGames

replying to @LondynHatesLife
^^ Language

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