Savior | Chapter Forty-One

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Londyn's P.o.V. -

I sat in the backseat with Tommy, holding his hand.

"You two are making this sadder than it is. Aren't you two streaming together later?" Dream asked, keeping his eyes on the road.


"Oh my god. I'm about to kick you both out of this car." Dream wheezed.

"Stop laughing at us you dickhead! You're just jealous that George doesn't fly out to you!" Tommy yelled jokingly.

Dream rolled his eyes, biting back a laugh. "I regret giving you my blessing."

I laid my head against Tommy's shoulder. Twenty minutes until we get to the airport.

"It's like for two months then Londyn could fly out to England. You two are dramatic." Dream said.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've never been dramatic in my life," I responded, rubbing my thumb over Tommy's knuckles.

"Oh shut up." Dream wheezed.

We got to the airport. I held onto Tommy's hand tight, my knuckles going white. We already did everything we needed to do, we were just waiting for Tommy's flight to be called.

"Londyn, you're kind of crushing my hand right now," Tommy said.

"I can't believe you're already leaving."

"I was here for a week."

"I know but..." I sighed. "I'm really going to fucking miss you."

"Barf. I'm getting a coffee. You have two have ten minutes" Dream said.

Tommy flipped him off. Dream stuck his tongue out, Tommy did the same thing then Dream walked away.

I shook my head laughing softly.

"We're streaming together when I get home right?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah. Don't suck at speedrunning this time."

"But it's content."

"But you generally suck at it."


I laughed, shaking my head again.

"I won that," Tommy said.

"Oh shut up," I said.

"I don't think I will."

I pulled my mask down with one hand while I pulled him down by his shirt collar with the other. I kissed his forehead then pulled my mask back up and let go of him.

"You win," Tommy said.

"I know. I never lose."

"Shut the fuck up."

I looked at my phone. "Five minutes."

Tommy sighed, pulling into a hug.

"I love you Londyn."

"I love you, Tommy."

We stood there, just hugging each other tightly. I knew later tonight I would be laughing with him while we attempt to speedrun Minecraft, then after the stream, we'd facetime and fall asleep.

Tommy's flight got called. We both pulled away.

"Don't you fucking dare cry," Tommy said.

"I'm not," I said, wiping my eyes.

Tommy hugged me again quickly then started speed walking so he didn't miss his flight.

"Bye Londyn! I love you!" He yelled, waving to me.

"Bye Tommy! I love you!" I yelled back, waving to him.

I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"You two are so cliche." Dream said.

"I know," I said softly.

"You're going to see him in February." Dream reminded me.

"I know."

"Alexis is coming over."


"No. I just got tired of hearing 'I know'."

I rolled my eyes, elbowing him lightly in the ribs.

LondynHatesLife is now live: TOMMY AND I SPEEDRUN :)

"Londyn!" Tommy yelled as he joined the call.


"My mom asked about you as soon as she picked me up from the airport," Tommy said.


"Yeah. She asked when the next time you were coming is."

"Oh." I laughed.

We started speedrunning, apparently, Tommy was actually going to try this time. At some point, Tubbo joined in and started cracking jokes with Tommy.

Five months ago, I didn't think any on the server would know who I was. But, Tommy is my boyfriend, Tubbo is my best friend, Dream is quite literally my father, Drista is my aunt, Sapnap, Bad, Karl and Skeppy are my uncles, George is technically my second father.

And a year ago, I didn't even think I'd still be here.

I am though. I survived. All because of one notification. Tommy's Youtube video, the one thing that stopped me. Just because of that; he's my savior.

The End

Hiya! This is the last actually chapter
of this! Thank you all for the support!
The epilogues with be posted soon.
But updates in all my stories with be slower
due to school. (Sundays, Wednesday and Fridays.)

I'm genuinely so sad this story is over. And again, I'm

the one who fucking wrote it.

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