Savior | Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: I changed a few things about what happened in the war for you know to make the plot thicker or whatever :)

GeorgeNotFound is live: Finally building a house on the Dream SMP with my daughter

Londyn's P.o.V. - 

"Oh shit, I gotta go boys sorry. I told my dad I'd help him build his house. Good luck. Just tell me if you need me to help. Just don't make me kill anyone I care about please." I said to Tommy and Tubbo. 

"Oh okay. Bye Londyn!" Tubbo said cheerfully.

"Wait Londyn what is our code word in case we need you to save our asses?" Tommy questioned.

"Ummmm.... I'm going to watching your stream while I help George so I guess if you start saying..." I said, trailing off as I thought. "It could be Valerie."

"Why?" Tubbo asked.

"That's her middle name. It's her grandmother's name." Tommy answered for me. 

"Really? Your name is Londyn Valerie Peterson?" 

"Yup. I really gotta go and you two need to start your streams. Goodbye!"


I left the vc and went to the vc George was in.

"Hello, sorry. I was talking to Tommy and Tubbo." I said once I joined. 

"Hi. It's okay. Are you here yet?"

"I'm right behind you. Oh shit, sorry, give me a second I need to pull Tommy's stream up. I promised him I'd watch him fight in the war today." I said then tabbed out. I pulled Tommy's stream up, listening to it in the background then went back to Minecraft.

"You two act like you're actually dating." George laughed.

"No. No. We aren't. Just he's my Minecraft fiance so..." 

We both laughed. George and I started building, well, I told George what to do while I focused more on Tommy's stream. 

Needless to say, I recently got very obsessed with the roleplay.

"Londyn." George said, getting my attention again.

"Yeah? Sorry, what do you need Dad?" I responded.

Tommy's P.o.V. - 

"Please don't touch my normal stuff." Techno said. "Oh Tommy, Londyn helped me get all this stuff. She said, and I quote, "Tommy is so unprepared its making my anxiety levels go through the roof." She also called you something but I'm not repeating it." 

The call broke into laughter.

"Wait did she call him Love or Dickhead? She calls him that the most." Quackity chimed in, laughing.

My face heated up. "Shut the fuck up Big Q." 

Londyn's P.o.V. - 

"By the way, if anyone watches the clip of what Techno just said. I called Tommy a dickhead not love." I said. 

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