Savior | Chapter Thirty-Two

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[A/N: TRIGGER WARNING This chapter contains a panic attack.] 

I woke up a few hours later to my phone ringing. I looked at the time; 3:45 a.m.

"Hello?" I said quietly as I answered the call, rubbing my eyes.

"Hi is this Londyn Peterson?" 

I sat up straight, turning my lamp on. "Yes, why?"

"I've been told to inform you that Valerie Peterson passed away today." 

My breath hitched. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Your grandmother is Valerie Peterson right?" The lady responded.

"Yes," I whispered, feeling my throat closing in.

"She passed away earlier today, I was told to inform you. Her lawyer, Mr. Tucks, wants to speak to you about her will. And you need to come to the retirement home to get her things." The lady stated.

"O-okay," I said softly, biting back tears. I hung up the phone, pulling my knees to my chest as panic started to sink in, the reality of the call sinking in as well.

What am I going to do?

My breathing picked up, my heart racing, tears dripped down my face. 

Moments passed before I realized I couldn't breathe. 

"Fuck- fuck not again," I whispered as I stood up in a panic, rushing to my bathroom, my phone still in my hand. 

I put my phone down on the counter, splashing my face with water.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I repeated, fumbling across the cabinet for my pills. "Fuck where are they?"

Bottles fell out of the cabinet due to my shaky hands. I dropped to the floor to pick them up all while still looking for a certain bottle.

I tried to focus on my breathing, only resulting in loud sobs.

"Fuck!" I yelled, throwing the bottle in my hand at the wall.

I couldn't find them.  

I pulled my knees to my chest, sobbing into my legs.

Why me? What did I do?  Why now?

Calm down. Calm down. Just breath. Just breath Londyn!

I wiped my eyes, taking a deep breath, tears still pouring down my face. I grabbed my phone, still focusing on getting my breathing under control.

This wasn't my first time having a panic attack, I've had them since I was nine. 

I called the first person that came to my mind.

"Hello?" He said.

"Tommy," I whispered.

"Yeah? Londyn are you okay? What happened?" Tommy said, sounding more alert.

"I- I can't-" I cut myself off, choking out another sob.

"Hey, hey, Londyn listen to me. Just breath. It's okay. Just take a deep breath with me, okay? 1..2..3.." We both took a deep breath, repeating the process a few more times. 

"It's okay Londyn. Where are you right now? You're okay right?" Tommy asked.

"My a-apartment," I said barely audible. "Can-can you just talk? Please?"

"Y-yeah, of course. What about?" Tommy asked, I could hear how nervous he was along with quick typing.

"Anything," I whispered.

"Okay- um- fuck this is the one time I don't have anything to talk about," Tommy said.

I laughed softly. Tommy started rambling on about the video he was going to make with Quackity.

I felt myself calming down. The pain of knowing she was gone was still there but I could breathe again. 

"You should call Dream. I don't know what's happening, but I'm sure he'll know what to do." Tommy said after rambling for a good thirty minutes "But if- if you need me, just call me okay? I'll answer." 

I hummed a response, wiping my eyes again.

Dream did know practically everything about my past. I had to explain it to him, he called me while I was having a panic attack. 

"I gotta go, Londyn. But, listen to me, it's going to be okay."

I hummed another response.

"Bye. I love you, Londyn. I mean it." Tommy said.

I sniffled, "Bye, thank you." I sniffled again. "I love you, Tommy."

I hung up, calling Dream. I explained everything to him. He was asking if I took my pills, I told him I couldn't find them, explaining how I called Tommy and I managed to calm down the way.

"I'm coming up to Ohio right now."


"Go get a glass of water and go lay down. You need to relax Londyn."


"Londyn, you need to relax."

I sighed, humming a response. 

Yeah so um, not the best chapter.
I mean that like how it's written and
what's going on in it :/ 

Savior | TommyInnit Fanfic (Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now