Savior | Chapter Four

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Technoblade is now live: Getting clout off of Dream's daughter 


WilburSoot is now live: Talking to Dream and George's daughter [Dream SMP]

Nihachu is now live: Finally I can make friends with another girl! [Dream SMP] 

Jschlatt is now live: Leaving Quackity for Londyn [Dream SMP]

TommyInnit is now live: Protecting a woman from Jschlatt [Dream SMP]

LondynHatesLife is now live: I'm really confused right now [Dream SMP]

Londyn's P.o.V. - 

"Londyn!" Tommy cheered as I joined the Vc. 

"Tommy!" I cheered. Surprisingly I was actually happy to speak to him again.

"Hey Tommy." Someone said as they joined the Vc. 

"Hey Wilbur. Have you met Londyn yet? She's Dream and Gogy's daughter." Tommy responded.

"Hello Londyn." Wilbur said.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm a big fan besides everything about blowing up everything, kind of not pog." 

Tommy and Wilbur laughed. 

"Yeah, whatever. Anyways, are you joining Pogtopia? You're fathers are kind of ruining everything for us." Wilbur asked. 

I took a sip of my coffee, "I've said this so many times. I'm not joining Pogtopia or Manberg. I'm living my best life watching the chaos instead of being in it."

Nihachu: Hi Londyn!
LondynHatesLife: Hi Niki! Join Vc3!

"Dammit." WIlbur mumbled, cursing at me not joining his side.

"Hi!" I heard Niki say cheerifully as she joined the Vc. 

"Hi Niki." Wilbur, Tommy and I said.

"Where are you Londyn? I have something for you." Niki said sweetly while Tommy punched me. 

"Um, I'll come to Manberg since I'm actually allowed in there. Tommy, what the hell? Stop punching me." I responded, taking my enchanted netherite sword out.

Tommy instantly stopped.


"Oh my fucking-  it's Technoblade." I muttered, my eyes widening. "Give me a second guys, this is a lot to process. You guys are like my idols besides you Tommy, I'm forgetting how to breath right now."

The call erupted with laughter while Tommy started insulting me because I insulted him.

I took a deep breath and took a sip of my coffee.

"Hello Technoblade. How are you?" 

"Tired." Techno's monotone voice responded.

"Same, I'm in Manberg by the way Niki. I'm by the pond or whatever you guys call this." 

Savior | TommyInnit Fanfic (Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now