Savior | Chapter Twenty

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Londyn's P.o.V - 

I woke up to my phone ringing. I rubbed my eyes, reaching over to the nightstand grabbed my phone, answering the call. 

"Hello?" I said quietly.

Tommy stirred in his sleep.

"Londyn! Did I wake you?" Karl asked, voice quickly changing from excitement to worry.

"Yeah but it's okay. What do you need?" I whispered.

"Can I take Tommy's bed from your empire? The cyan and red bed is bothering me." 

"Why are you in my empire? Are you streaming?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Because I needed you know what and it's in your empire. So can I break the bed?"

"No you can't. Keep it there please. If you move it, I will log on right now and kill you."

"Oh, well, about that."

"Karl.." I said sternly, sitting up. Tommy groaned and I felt something tighten around my waist.

My eyes widened as I realized I was wrapped in Tommy's arms, my face flushing badly. 

"I'll put it back! I didn't know! You said you hated it in the beginning- chat yes I remember that she almost killed Schlatt because he broke the bed but that's different." Karl said

I sighed, "Karl just put it back please. I'll be on the server in three days if anything of his is messed up in my empire, I will make you wish you never met me."

"I- uh, okay. Say hi to Sapnap by the way and Dream and George and Quackity."

I sighed once again, "Hi Uncle Sap, hi Dads, hi Big Q. Karl, I know you're technically my uncle but I'm serious, if anything of his is messed up-"

"I got it! Okay! I'll fix it right now!"

"You better. Bye."


I hung up and put my phone back on the charger. I got comfortable next to Tommy. 

"Who was that?" I heard Tommy muttered.

"Karl." I responded, turning to face Tommy.

Tommy nodded, wrapping his arm around me again, pulling me closer to him then just fell asleep again.

What the fuck. 

A few hours later, I actually woke up for real. 

Currently, we were waiting for Will to finish getting ready since he was the last one in the shower. Tommy sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I rested my head against his shoulder. Yes against his shoulder not on his shoulder, I'm very short and he's very tall.

 Tubbo and Niki were talking about bees for some reason.

"What are you looking at?" Tommy asked, looking at my phone.

"Instagram." I responded, my face heating up.

Stop fucking blushing. 

"You better be following me." Tommy said.

Savior | TommyInnit Fanfic (Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now