#14 (ending?)

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"Okay continue, when you're ready," detective Oh muttered.

"After he hit my head Lucy walked into the room. She greeted Mark sweetly but as soon as she saw me her expression turned into disgust. Walking past and apologising for interrupting and that he should continue. She watched in enjoyment as Mark belittled me. Mark started to whip me with his belt," I chocked on my tears, just realising how horrid my parents are, "Both of them would come home piss drunk more so Mark but both of them did it and abused me till I could barely walk. I would go to school the next day as if nothing happened.

"You lowlife brat. You're nothing but a piece of trash. You were just a mistake." He repeated with every slash he gave me. I finally broke and screamed at the top of my lungs, earning a worthy scold. I got a punishment from that but m-mum.. I mean Lucy stopped him saying that I'd look suspicious the next day at school if he continued. H-he told me to consider myself l-lucky," It became harder to talk about it as more and more memories flushed through my mind.

I began to sob uncontrollably. 

"Hey. Shhh, it's okay," Chan said and pulled me into a tight hug.

"We can continue this tomorrow," detective Oh said, standing up, "well then, Goodbye."

3rd POV

Chan slightly bowed his head and walked the older man leave the room. The two of them soon after left as well. Y/n ended up being carried by Chan the way to the car. They felt too weak to walk. It made them feel vulnerable but in this situation all they could think about was getting home.

The drive home was silent. Chan held Y/n's hand to show comfort. He could see that they ware tense and he was worried for them. He didn't like to see his baby like this.

They arrived home and Chan carried Y/n into the house. They made it to the bedroom and Y/n hopped out of Chan's arms. She waddled towards the bathroom with her head down. Chan giggled at her childish behaviour. He walked into the bathroom as well. Chris stood at the door, leaning against the doorframe. 'Mind if I join' was the one thing Chan wanted to say as he watched them change.

When Y/n was about to take their shirt off, she gasped which brought Chan out of his thoughts.

"Were you perving?"  Y/n asked with a slight chuckle.

Chan immediately denied it, but his eyes couldn't leave Y/n's revealed body. Somethig took over Chris. He closed the door and said.

"Mind if l join?"

Time Skip

{Yes... they did the nasty😑😔😳. I made myself uncomfortable}

Y/n's POV

I was lying in bed with Chan. I hugged him tightly and he did the same. It was around 2-3pm and we both felt extremely tired from that days events. His hand brushed through my hair as he hummed a small tune. It made my even sleepier than I was.

"Babe?" I called, he hummed, "what will we tell you parents when they get home?"

"Umm... what do you mean?"

"What are we going to tell them that we're dating?" I replied.

"Well, it's not like you're my sister. I'm just your legal guardian and I'm your boyfriend. So, they'd except it. They know if your situation and love as if you're their own child. Now you are, they're you parents in-laws," he explained.

My cheeks flushed red when he said that. They're my in-laws?

"Are you proposing something here Channie?" I giggled.

"Maybe...?"he giggled as well, "now, go to sleep, you seem really tired. You had a big day."

I smiled and closed my eyes. Drifting into a deep sleep. No dreams. No distractions. Just sleeping. In the warm of Chan's embrace.


It's been a week. My 'parents' have gone to court and my new parents have come back home. Lucy and Mark received jail time. Lucy 15 years for knowing about the abuse and doing nothing about it, but also participating from time to time. And Mark... 20 years. It made me sad that I had to see them leave, they are my parents. But I'm glad they are getting a punishment for it.

I was sitting in the living room, standing in front of Chan's parents. I was kind of standing behind him and was clutching onto his hand tightly. They had just hot home from the very long business trip. That's when Chris and I decided to tell them.

Chan wasn't nervous one bit, but on the other hand. I was freaking out internally.

"What is it you wanted to tell us?" Chan's mum asked.

"Well..." Chris' voice trailed off.

"You're dating, aren't you?" His dad blurted out.

We were both in shock. Our eyes practically jumping out of our heads. They chuckled at our expressions and stood up to hug us.

"You are holding hands and Y/n looks so scared. They never looked scared around us," mum giggled.

They walked upstairs with their things. We immediately hugged once they were out of sight. Feeling relief. We pulled away from the tight hug and looked at each other.

"I love you so so much," Chris broke the silence.

"I love you to-" his lips crashed onto mine, cutting off my words.

-💫crappy ending💫-

Thank you for reading this very cringy and quite horrible fan fiction. I might do an epilogue idk.


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