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He was the only one. Endlessly striving to finish one lap after the other. I walked through the other set of doors and a grouo of boys passed me. They were familiar to me as the other members of the swim team.

They greeted me with a small bow and continued to chat away and leave me alone again. However, before the last person could leave I grabbed their arm.

"Has Chan been like that since the beginning of training?" I asked, concern laced in my tone.

They nodded and unlatched my hand from their arm. They had bowed towards me but I hadn't seen, as I was facing the swimming pool.

I walked towards the lane Chris was in and sar on the edge of the pool with my legs crossed. My eyes were stinging and they were puffy too. Chin quivering and head pounding.

I waited for him to come back to the side I was sitting at. Which seemed to take forever. Luckily he was slowly down and finally came to a halt.

Breathing heavily he whipped off his goggles and wiped the water off his face. Only then to realise I was placed in front of him. He smiled at my presence, but that smile faded as he saw my expression.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, eyebrows frowned.

He placed himself in front of him and lifted himself up with his elbows. He stared at me waiting for an answer. But staring into his eyes on made me burst into tears. Wrapping my arms around him, I tucked my face in his neck.

But with the sudden impact, I fell into the pool with Chan. The water was cold and made me feel numb. Downfall couldn't swim. It brought back unwanted memories, that clustered and frightened my mind.

The distant shouts of Chan calling my name snapped me out of the trance. I looked around and saw I was close to the bottom of the pool. My eyes widened and my lungs started to burn.

I struggled to reach the top as my skills were non-existent. But to my luck I felt Chan's arm grip around my waist and pull my up. As my head broke through the water, I gasped for air desperately.

Luckily, Chan was tall enough to reach the bottom of the pool. So, he held me against him. I wrapped my arms and legs around as of my life depended on it. He gently patted my back, as he could tell my distressed state.

"Everything will be okay. I'm here with you. Nothing will happen," he shushed.

I was still shivering and sobbing quietly. Kind of thankful that everyone had left.

"Chan..." he hummed in response, "I'm scared."

"It's okay, you can tell me later. Now how about we get you dry?" He suggested.

I gladly agreed and we got out of the pool. I immediately took off my jacket so I was less water. But soon realised my white shirt was now see-through. I embarrassingly covered my chest and felt my cheeks heating up.

Chris had seen this and chuckled.

"Hey~ don't be embarrassed. Your body is beautiful and I don't want you to be insecure of it or scared to show my. I'm not going to hurt you and I will never," he comforted me and hugged me, "now you'll have to wear my sports uniform."

Chan handed me his uniform from his locker and turned around. I smiled lightly at his actions.

"Chan, weren't you the one who said I shouldn't be insecure to show you my body?" I chuckled.

He turned back to face me, rubbing the back of his neck. He seemed embarrassed.

"I was being a gentleman. I thought you'd be uncomfortable if I was looking at you while you changed," he looked down, blushing.

I stepped closer to him looked at him intently. Chan looked up slightly, his eyes widened as he saw me right in front of him. A burst of confidence suddenly came of me and I pecked his cheek.

He freaked out and squatted on the ground. Even though I couldn't see his face I knew he was blushing. I chuckled and went over to him. The locker room was silent. His head was resting on top of his knees and arms wrapped around his legs.

My smile grew so much it made my cheeks ache. I sat down in front of him and crossed my legs. I started to play with his hair which made him look up at me. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He pouted.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Nothing... Get changed I'm change as well," Chris stood up and went to his locker again, grabbing his formal uniform.

Guardian ~Bang Chan FF~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now