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As Felix said, 30 minutes later they were knocking at my door. Chan got up and opened. He turned to me with wide eyes.

"Did you...?" He stuttered.

I smiled at him weakly. He welcomed his friends in and they all sat down.

"So... Chan-Hyung," Hyunjin started, "your going home to wash up and sleep, while we take care of Y/n. No questions, it's decided."

Chan looked confused. He was looking around at the faces surrounding him.

"But I want to stay with you, Y/n," he whined.

"I care about your health more Chan. The guys will be here taking care of me, while you get some sleep," I spoke.

"But I can sleep here," I protested.

"I know you don't actually sleep. Your either doing school work or music on your laptop, or staring at my face when I'm sleeping," I snapped.

"Ooh, Channie has been exposed!" Jisung shouted.

"How-? Nevermind. Fine, I'll go home but I'm coming back tonight. No questions," Chris agreed.

"Ok bye," I said as he was being dragged out of the room by Minho and Felix with Changbin trailing behind.

"So... do you like Chan?" Was the first thing I heard as the door closed.

I turned my head to the voice and saw Jisung sitting beside me with wide eyes. He looked too cute.

I pinched his cheeks, "why are you so cute?" Regretting that soon after as my stomach made me screech in pain.

They all freaked out, rushing to me with worried faces. I chuckled through the pain at their silly antics.

"I'm going to take a nap now. So, you guys can go or sit down of you want," I smiled, readjusting my position painfully.

Seungmin and Jisung left the room. Leaving Hyunjin and Jeongin to snuggle on the couch.


It has been a week since I entered the hospital, and now I'm finally exiting it. Chan was signing me out, when two men came up to me. The strided over with full confidence, making me feel intimidated. However when one of them smiled warmly, I felt my body relax.

"Are you miss Y/n?" The one who smiled asked, I nodded, "hello, I'm Mr Park and this is Mr Oh. We're in charge of your parents case."

"Is something wrong?" Chan asked as he came over from filling out the papers.

He placed his hand around my waist giving me extra support, aside from the crouches. My cheeks went a light tint of pink and a could feel my ears heating up.

"No no, nothing is wrong. We just would like to speak to you about the case. Let us go outside to talk," Mr Oh walked away with Mr Park by his side.

The cool breeze hit my face as I exited the hospital. We sat at a bench near the entrance of the buildings.

"So your parents are in court at the moment. We need you to write a statement, " Mr Park said, "You shouldn't go back to your house as it may trigger you. However, we already arranged something when you first entered the hospital."

"You will start to live with Chan from now on. Since he is almost the legal age in a few months, he will be your legal guardian. If we do this you won't have to enter the foster care system," Mr Oh continued.

I thanked the two men and they offered us a ride home. We gladly excepted it as we didn't feel like walking at all. The comfortable silence embraced us as the quiet radio played. I was looking out the window at the scenery passing by, when I felt a hand place on mine. Knowing it was Chris, I turned my head with a large smile plastered on my face. He smiled back, intertwining our fingers together. 

We thanked the officers and they drove off. I turned my head towards the left to see my home. The officers were right. Memories flushed my mind causing me to immediately whip my head the other way. Chan had seemed to notice. Grabbing my hand once more, smiling at me reassuringly.

"Go inside and take a shower in my bathroom. I'll go pack your things, okay?" He asked intently and I nodded.

He passed me the key and walked away. Breathing heavily, I walked through the doors. Being engulfed by a familiar scent and warmth. It felt safe there, just like I remembered. 

Doing as Chan told me I took a shower peacefully. Humming a small tune to myself. Being completely in my own bubble, the creaking of the door made me flinch. Causing me to hit my elbow on the wall. 

"Chan?" I called out thinking it was him.

But got proved wrong when I saw his dog wondering around the bathroom. I decided it was time to hop out, putting on the clothes I took from Chan's draws prior. I shuffled out of the bathroom with a towel to dry my hair. However, I stopped at the doorway seeing Chris looking down at his hands with a red tint to his cheeks


Hello again! I haven't updated this book in a long time and not many people seem to be interested in this book, so I may discontinue or do a major update with all the next chapters (which will take a while). Anyways, hope you enjoyed!~

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