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Chan and I split ways to our lockers.

I don't like being around him or his friends at school, because that would ruin his reputation. Hanging around me would make people think they're weird. Sounds dumb but it happens.

As I was grabbing my books for class, someone grabbed my hair.

'Home and school aren't safe places' I thought.

"What did I tell you about going near my locker before class starts?!" They yelled, making people gather to watch.

"Stop it, Seo-yeon!" I pleaded.

She wouldn't let go, just tightened her grip. Making my head hurt more.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I heard another voice.

Suddenly, Seo-yeon dropped me to the ground. Pain shot through my whole body.

"OPPA!!" Seo-yeon screamed, her voice going high pitch, "why are you here?"

"I was seeing what you were doing. Are you hurting people again?" He seemed concerned.

I still couldn't see his face, but he seemed familiar.

"Chan-oppa, she deserves it!" She whined.

I froze.

'They're dating?!' I thought.

I was shocked. 'Why didn't he tell me?' I thought again.

My eyes were wide open.

"Who-?" He went silent as he saw my frail body on the ground behind his girlfriend.

"Babe, let's go. We don't want to be late for class," Seo-yeon dragged him away.

As chan walked away he mouthed something.

"I'm sorry..."

The rest of the day I'd sit either behind or beside Chan in most of my classes. He desperately tried to explain to me what happened, but I blocked out his pleads and focused on class.

Chan was my best friend. Well, only while walking to and from school, and on weekends where we'd have heated Nintendo switch battles. We lived next to each other basically since we were born. Chan moved to my street when I was 1 and he was 2. However, since he is a year above me, we couldn't see each other much at school.

But, I moved up a year this year to Chan's grade, because I was exceeding well enough.

My 'parents' apparently were really nice to them. That was until I turned 7 and they started beating me. 10 years. 10 crappy years, I have been tortured and it still continues. Without a single soul knowing.

The bell rang an the teacher dismissed the class. I ran to my locker. I quickly grabbed my bag, shoved my books in it. Then sprinted to the front gate. But I was too slow.

"Y/N!" They yelled from behind, "Wait for me!"

I cursed under my breath and continued to jog briskly away from school. After a few seconds I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stopped moving and consciously turned around.

"Can you please let me explain?" Chan pleaded.

"Fine. Explain,"

He took a deep breath and sighed.

"I didn't tell you because I thought you wouldn't want to know. I know you dislike Seo-yeon," he explained.

"Of course I'd want to know, you're my best friend Chan. My only friend," I muttered the last bit.

"And that's one reason why I want to stay friends. I don't want you to be alone," he heard it.

"How long have you been with Seo-yeon?" I asked, as we continued to walk home.

"We broke up, but it was about a month," he breathed heavily.

"I wasn't the reason, was I?" I questioned with guilty tone.

"Her bullying you was one of the reasons, but at lunch I saw her making out with this dude from our grade. He's on the basketball team I think," he said.

"You're the swim team captain! She's missing out," I tried to lighten the mood.

"How's grade 12 treating you?" He changed the subject.

"It's tough. I kinda want to go back to 11th grade," I frowned, "this may seem unrealistic, but I miss the people from my grade. I miss those people that wouldn't really pay attention to me, but would just to make fun of me. It sounds weird, I know. But grade 12 is really stressful.

"I'm the only 16 year old there. My 17th birthday is still ages away. No one even cares that I'm in class or in the grade. I'm one of the outcasts. No one,  I mean NO ONE, likes me," I finished.

"I like you," Chan stated, "I tell you what, you're gonna hang out with me at school from now on, okay?" It seemed more like a demand than a suggestion.

"Chan, thank you but no thank you. Hanging around you and your friends will only cause trouble for both of us. I'll just stay alone at school, " I softly smiled.

We had arrived in front of my house just in time. I turned to Chan and smiled at him weakly.

"It's Friday tomorrow. If I end up not going don't worry, okay? And DO NOT visit me after school," I advised him.

"Why wouldn't you be there? Are you sick?" He asked frantically.

"You'll eventually find out Chan. Eventually," I smiled and walked inside my house.

Leaving him there. Clueless and concerned.

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