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I shuffled out of the bathroom with a towel to dry my hair. However, I stopped at the doorway seeing Chris looking down at his hands with a red tint to his cheeks. I chuckled at his state and decided to scare him. Creeping up to him to him, slowly and trying no to gain his attention. As I was about to shout, he grabbed my hands and flipped me onto the bed. He hovered over me slightly, with a playful smirk on his face. I chuckled at him. 

He looked so cute with his rosy cheeks. I stared at him with fascinated eyes. I wiggled my hands out of his strong grip and placed them on his cheeks. Squishing them slightly. This only caused his cheeks to flush a deeper red. He squirmed and lied on top of me. snuggling his facing into the crook of my neck.

I chuckled lightly at his actions and started to play with his hair. He tightened his arms around my waist, closing the gap between us which seemed almost impossible but it happened. I smiled at his behaviour, enjoying the comfortable silence between us. But, I felt a drop of something land on my shoulder and you heard his quiet sobs. 

"Hi Channie? What's wrong?" I said moving one of my hands to wrap around his waist. 

He didn't answer. All he did was quietly sob, holding me tighter. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I'm really sorry you went through that for so long," He whimpered. 

I hugged him tighter, reassuring it wasn't his fault. 

"Sit up for me," I told him and he hesitantly and slowly moved up from my body, "it's not your fault. I'm the that didn't tell you. You didn't know what was happening."

"But why didn't you tell me?" I mumbled.

I sighed deeply, "because... they told me not to. If I did and they found out they would punish me more. I was afraid Chan," my eyes brimmed with tears.

He engulfed me in his embrace once more, being gentle remembering my wounds. His large arms wrapped around my figure and placed mine around him too. We were once again enjoying the silence, until Chan giggled.

I lifted my head out of his neck and looked him straight in the eye. My eyebrows knitted together.

"I remembered you still haven't answered my question," his smile made him glow as he spoke.

"Whic- ohh~ that question," I became embarrassed remembering what I had said after the accident.

"The last thing you said before you blacked out at your house. Did you mean it?" He repeated.

I hesitated for a little. Fidgeting with my fingers and avoiding his eyes. Until he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"Did you really mean it?" He said, sincerely gazing into my eyes.

I slowly nodded, "Yes. I do like you. Like alot. Since a while actually. It's been about 2 years now that I figured it out but I'm pretty sure I like you before that. I just didn't wan to tell you beca-"

Chan hushed me, smiling at my confused face, "just be quiet," and he leaned in towards my face staring at my lips.

{This is really clichè T-T}

His lips pressed against mine. They were soft and honesty what I thought they'd feel like, not that i fantasised... He pulled back from the kiss and we caught of breath. I was smiling like a crazy lady. I was overjoyed.

"I like you too, for a while," he smiled.

I squirmed from looking at him in the eyes. I tucked my head in his neck, hugging him close to my body.

"You're too cute," he ruffled my hair, "get tucked into bed. I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back."

I did as he told and got into bed. Getting comfy and warm in the semi familiar bed.

Chan's POV

I walked out of the bathroom to see Y/n passed out. They looked so small amongst all the blankets. I crept ever to the other side and hopped in myself. I hugged her from behind as they swivelled around to face me. They hugged me back, making my heart flutter slightly.

'Tomorrow is Sunday. I'll explain everything to them... tomorrow,' I thought.

"Goodnight baby," I kissed the top of their head and slowly drifted to sleep as well.


{Hello~ I decided to make the main character gender fluid. I don't know of I was doing that already but I will edit other chapters of I have the time. Most likely I won't. Hope you enjoyed! Byee~}

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