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°•°•3 years later•°•°

Chan and y/n were living a happy life, sounds cliche but it's true. They were living life just as they would wan it. And their little bundle of joy brought even more happiness to it.

Ki-gyeong, was their little light in the dark. Y/n had fallen pregnant last year. The year after they graduated. It was a tough time for them. Being only eighteen and nineteen year old parents.

However Chan's parents were a great help. They supported them and Chan's mum helped whenever Y/n was frightened about child birth.


But they managed through it. Now they have a one year old son. Some people look down on the two for being so young and parents. Saying it's not normal. But those comments didn't affect them them. They were absolutely thrilled they could be parents, even if they were only 20 and 21.

The new couple had yet to get married but wanted to live as if they were for now. The two had bought a house after they graduated. Feeling like full adults.

Y/n's parents are still receiving their sentences. But the new family still visited them. Y/n still wanted to see her parents even if they were horrible in being them.

Y/n's POV

I was currently with Felix and Jisung. We had become very good friends over the past years. The two males were jumping around the house in absolute joy. I was smiling while holding Ki-gyeong on my lap.

"ARE YOU FOR REAL!?" Han shouted.

I chuckled at their behaviour, "yes I'm serious. Now quiet down, I don't want Chan knowing."

"You don't want me knowing what?" Chan asked walking up behind the coach.

He leaned over me, placing his hands on the back of the couch. I placed my head back so that we were looking at each other.

"Are you hiding something from me?" He leaned closer, caressing my cheek gently.

"Yes," I said boldly, he seemed taken back by it.

Chan's face saddened. He was probably thinking the worst. I became panicked. I gave Ki-gyeong to Felix and Han, who were fanboying. I turned around kneeling on the couch to look at my boyfriend.

"Baby~ it's nothing bad," I cooed at his little pout.

"I thought you were going to leave me. I don't want you to leave me," he placed his head on my shoulder and hugged me waist tightly.

"Shhh... I would never leave you," I moved my arms around his neck, playing with his hair.

In the distance, I could hear the front door open and close. I guessed the two boys left with Ki-gyeong. I didn't really mind. It meant alone time with Channie.

"Channie, look at me please," I asked, and he slowly lifted his head.

My heart broke when I saw tears run down his face and heard his quiet whimpers. I placed my hand on his cheek gently and pecked his lips.

"Dont even think about it. Because it will never become our reality. Okay?"

Chan nodded in tiny. I eventually got out of his strong grip and stood up from the couch. Earning a small whine from Chan for letting go.

I chuckled and walked over to him. Wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him softly. He immediately responded to the kiss and snaked his arms around my waist again, pulling me closer.

"What was it that you didn't want to tell me though?" Chris asked when we pulled away for air.

"Well, I can't tell you of it's a secret, can I?" I asked rhetorically.

"Oh come on," he whined, "please tell me."

"But it's your birthday present."

"Can it be an early present?" He was begging now.

I sighed, "Fine."

I let go of his neck and walked upstairs. He followed shortly behind me and entered our bedroom. He walked up behind me and gave me a tight back hug. Resting his head on my shoulder.

Before I got the present I said, "close your eyes."

He did and I turned around in the hug. Holding something tightly. I held something in front of his eyes and told him to open them.

Chan's eyes fluttered open and instantly went wide.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!?" He shouted, pulling me into a tighter hug.

"Yup," I smiled.

"Can I have another present early?" He asked letting go of me.

"No, you have to wait babe," I smiled at his question, turning around to put the test away again.

"But this will make it an even better birthday,"

"What do you mean?" I turned around but he wasn't there.

I looked down and saw him kneeling. My hands covered my mouth unknowingly.

"Will you marry me, gorgeous?" He asked, his eyes glistened. Holding many stars.

"Of course!" I tackled him before he could stand.

We cuddle on the floor in silence for a while. Enjoying each other's presence. But he soon broke it with a phrase I adored coming from him.

"I love you, my baby," he squeezed my body tighter.

I smiled into his chest as I laid on top of him.

"I love you too, Channie,"

Sorry this took so long to come out...
Hehe writer's block is a wonder to have

Thank you for reading Guardian!!!💛💛

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