A/N: Hey guys if we can get 2 plus votes I'll upload the Prologue today. If not I can update it tomorrow. This is just because I want to know how much you guys like the story.
Leader Morningstar- brown-yellow and black she-cat with hazel eyes
Deputy Poolsong- white she-cat with the right front paw light gray and ice blue eyes
Apprentice, Shadowpaw
Medicine Cat Herbleaf- black she-cat with white ears and amber eyes
Apprentice, Sunpaw
Lizardheart- gray she-cat with yellow eyes
Jaypool- blue she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice, Nightpaw
Crowtalon- black tom with green eyes
Apprentice, Darkpaw
Pinebranch- brown tom with a white underbelly and paws with forest green eyes
Treefoot- gray and brown tom with white paws and leaf green eyes
Rattooth- gray tom with yellow eyes
Poppytail- ginger she-cat with white ears and green eyes
Apprentice, Skypaw
Comfreyfoot- white and cream tom with green eyes
Juniperberry- ginger she-cat with white ears and green ears
Yarrowear- ginger tom with a white underbelly and green eyes
Mintfur- ginger she-cat with white ears and green eyes
Redscar- dark ginger tom with brown eyes and a scar that goes from his eye to his shoulder
Shysong- normally shy dark ginger she-cat with warm light blue eyes
Shadowpaw- black and dark ginger blazed tom with blue eyes
Sunpaw- ginger she-cat with white paws and blue eyes
Skypaw- white she-cat with sky blue eyes
Darkpaw- dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Nightpaw- gray she-cat with amber eyes
Larkpool- gray and white she-cat with yellow eyes; mother of Comfreyfoot's kit: Whitekit
Tansyleaf- white she-cat with ginger paws and green eyes
Berrytail- cream and white tom with green eyes
Birdclaw- gray and black she-cat with amber eyes
Rowanfur- ginger tom with white underbelly and green eyes
Whitekit- cream colored she-kit with white paws and green eyes
Leader Redstar- golden she-cat with dark ginger ears, paws, the tip of her tail, a white underbelly and icy blue eyes with hints of violet
Deputy Batwing- pure black tom with radiant yellow eyes
Medicine Cat Turtlesong- a white tortoiseshell she-cat with turtle green eyes
Apprentice, Cinderpaw
Warriors (toms, and she cats without kits)
Darktail- a light gray and black tom with amber eyes
Shadow, Light, Fire, and Ice ON HOLD
FanfictionON HOLD This story is on hold as I do not have the means of accessing my storylines or my story where I type it out. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Shadowclan launches an attack on Riverclan to gain more territory. The newly named...